What is message Enqueued in ActiveMQ?

Messages Enqueued = Number of messages sent to the queue since the server start. Messages Dequeued = Number of messages received+deleted since the server start.

What is enqueue count?

Enqueue Count – the total number of messages sent to the queue since the last restart. Dequeue Count – the total number of messages removed from the queue (ack’d by consumer) since last restart. Inflight Count – the number of messages sent to a consumer session and have not received an ack.

How do I monitor my ActiveMQ queue?

How can I monitor ActiveMQ

  1. JMX and a JMX console such as jConsole.
  2. The Web Console.
  3. the Advisory Message feature (using JMS messages to monitor the system)
  4. The Command Agent; ActiveMQ.Agent topic that you query for status.
  5. The Visualisation plug-in.
  6. The Statistics plug-in (from 5.3)

How do you clean up ActiveMQ?

However, you can manually delete an unused queue of a stopped instance.

  1. Log in as administrator into Apache ActiveMQ.
  2. Click Manage ActiveMQ broker, then click Queues.
  3. Click Delete in the operations column for the queue that you want to delete.

How many queues can ActiveMQ handle?

There is no arbitrary limit on the number of queues. The only limitation is the resources available to the JVM as each new queue will consume heap memory not just for the messages in the queue but for the queue’s own data-structures.

What is ActiveMQ advisory?

ActiveMQ supports advisory messages which allows you to watch the system using regular JMS messages. Currently we have advisory messages that support: consumers, producers and connections starting and stopping. temporary destinations being created and destroyed. messages expiring on topics and queues.

How do I check my queue size?

queue::size() is used to check whether the size of the associated queue container. This function returns an unsigned int value, i.e the size of the queue container, or the number of elements present in a queue container. This function returns 0 if the queue is empty or having no elements in it.

How can I increase my ActiveMQ performance?

You can improve throughput by running ActiveMQ with larger pre-fetch sizes. Pre-fetch sizes are determined by the ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy bean, which is set on the ActiveMQ ConnectionFactory .

How many messages can ActiveMQ handle?

To get around this limitation, ActiveMQ introduced a paging cache – for all message stores (except the memory store) to get the best of both worlds – great performance and the ability to hold 100s of millions of messages in persistent store.

What is purge in ActiveMQ?

Purge is the option which is to be used to delete the messages from the destination queue. A particular message selector may be provided to delete a particular message from the destination queue. Syntax: activemq purge –msgsel –jmxurl.

What is purge queue?

Deletes the messages in a queue specified by the QueueURL parameter. Warning. When you use the PurgeQueue action, you can’t retrieve any messages deleted from a queue. The message deletion process takes up to 60 seconds.