What is medium gain antenna?
What is medium gain antenna?
The Medium Gain Antenna Major Assembly (MGAMA) is a medium-gain dual-axis steerable antenna assembly that provides main uplink and downlink communications between the JUICE spacecraft and Earth. The MGAMA will be used in the TT&C (Telemetry, Tracking and Command) Subsystem of the satellite.
Which antenna is used in spacecraft?
Satellite Antennas/Spacecraft Antennas Satellite antennas include monopole antenna, dipole horn antenna, reflector antenna,patch antenna,dish antenna and helix antenna as mentioned in the table below. Below is the list of antennas used on indian INSAT series of satellites developed by ISRO.
What is the difference between a high gain and low-gain antenna?
So, a high-gain antenna is particularly good at transmitting signals in a narrow beam whereas a low-gain antenna tends to send its signal in a much wider sweep of directions. Because a low-gain antenna spreads its power out over a wider volume in space, the signal received by a ground station is weaker.
What does 5dbi gain mean?
A medium gain antenna (6.6, 5.1 dBi) has a more rounded, wider pattern than a high gain antenna. This means the signal is less likely to be obstructed by obstacles such as buildings, trees or mountains. These factors make a medium gain antenna the best choice for those in suburban areas and the country side.
What is a high gain antenna used for?
A high-gain antenna (HGA) is an antenna with a narrow radio beam that is used to increase signal strength. High-gain antennas provide a more precise way of targeting radio signals and are therefore very essential to long-range wireless networks. They even amplify weak signals used in satellite communication.
What is considered low gain antenna?
Low-gain antennas (LGAs) provide wide-angle coverage (the “naked eye,” to continue the comparison) at the expense of gain. LGAs are designed to be useable for relatively low data rates as long as the spacecraft is within relatively close range. DS1 is using an LGA to send simple health data back to Earth.
Why is antenna gain important?
Increases the effective transmission power in certain directions and reduces the power in others. Gain compensates for loss in coaxial cable. Makes the antenna more directional at the transmitter—a good effect for reducing unwanted RF radiation in unrequired directions.