What is Medical Technology course all about?

Program Overview The Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology (BS MT) is a four-year degree program that equips students with knowledge and skills in laboratory tests used in the detection, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases.

What are the subjects in MedTech course?

It is an intensive practical and theoretical training in the different sections in the clinical laboratory namely, clinical chemistry, hematology, immunohematology (blood banking), immunology, serology, microbiology, urinalysis and other body fluids (clinical microscopy), parasitology histopathology / cytology and …

Is there a MedTech course in UST?

Medical Technology in the University of Santo Tomas was introduced as an elective course to 4th- and 5th-year B.S. Pharmacy Students by Rev. Fr.

Is MedTech a pre med course?

BS Med Tech is a good pre-med course because by 2nd year proper, almost all Med Tech subjects will be tackled.

Are Medtech doctors?

Medical technologists (also known as clinical laboratory scientists) are professionals who work in the hospital laboratory, performing a wide range of tests. Doctors make many of their decisions about diagnosis and treatment of disease based on laboratory test results.

What is the difference between medtech and nursing?

The minimal educational requirement for medical technicians is an associate degree in medical technology, while RNs need at least an associate degree in nursing. These two-year programs are usually offered in community colleges or technical schools.

Is Med Tech a Doctor?

Medical technologists are healthcare professionals who work with physicians, but they are not doctors. A medical technologist can become a doctor by enrolling in medical school and completing their education in their chosen field. Since medical technologists already have completed a bachelor’s degree.

Is Medtech a 4 year course?

Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology is a four-year program consisting of general education and professional courses.

How long is UST medtech?

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION. Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology is a four-year program consisting of general education and professional courses.

Is medical technologist a Doctor?

Is Medical Technology a good career?

Medical technologists serve a vital function in the medical industry. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median national salary for medical technologists is $46,680 annually through 2020.

Where can MedTech work?

Medical technologists work in five major areas of the laboratory: Blood banking, Chemistry, Hematology, Immunology and Microbiology. Medical Technologists also have an unlimited choices of practice settings including hospitals, independent laboratories, clinics, public health facilities, and industry.