What is meant by transpersonal psychology?

Definition. Transpersonal psychology is a label for a type of psychological theory that embraces a wide variety of ideas that have nothing to do with religion and everything to do with the mind and behavior. Transpersonal psychology looks at the whole human experience.

What can I do with transpersonal psychology?

What Types of Positions Can Transpersonal Psychologists Hold?

  • Teaching Positions.
  • Corporate Consulting.
  • Research Positions.
  • Life Coaching.
  • Art Therapy.

What is the core practice of transpersonal Counseling?

Transpersonal therapists use meditation, guided visualization, hypnotherapy, dream work, art, music, journaling, mindfulness practices, and other techniques that can help you explore your spiritual self and create meaning in your life.

Is transpersonal psychology a science?

A distinction is drawn between the field of transpersonal psychology as a science and the broader area known as transpersonal studies that may legitimately use scientific or nonscientific methods.

Is transpersonal psychology humanistic?

Transpersonal psychology is closely related to the humanistic approach, and it traces back to Abraham Maslow. But where the humanistic approach stops at the individual’s subjective experiences, transpersonal psychology goes a step further by including the influences of transcendent or spiritual experiences.

What techniques are used in transpersonal therapy?

Transpersonal therapists use a variety of techniques such as, meditation, guided visualization, hypnotherapy, dream work, art, music, journaling, and mindfulness practices in order to help clients explore their spiritual self and create meaning in their life.

Is transpersonal psychology evidence based?

Relationships in transpersonal psychology are key. Evidence-based guidance, up-to-date resources, and first-hand accounts to help you in your mental health journey.

How long does it take to become a spiritual psychologist?

What are the Education Requirements for a Spiritual Psychology Career?

Psychologist Educational Track School Programs Average Education Length
1. Earn a Bachelor’s Degree View Programs 4 Years
2. Earn A Master’s Degree View Programs 2 Additional Years
3. Earn a PHD or PsyD View Programs 2-4 Additional Years

What are the 9 competencies for integrating spirituality into counseling?


  • Culture and worldview.
  • Counselor self-awareness.
  • Human and spiritual development.
  • Communication.
  • Assessment.
  • Diagnosis and treatment.

What is transpersonal relationship?

Transpersonal caring relationships are a spiritual union. Sitzman (2007) describe the relationship as a “connection that embraces the spirit or soul of the other through the process of full, authentic, caring/healing attention in the moment” (p. 9).