What is meant by drawing of lots?

1. drawing lots – making a chance decision by using lots (straws or pebbles etc.) that are thrown or drawn. casting lots, sortition. decision, determination, conclusion – the act of making up your mind about something; “the burden of decision was his”; “he drew his conclusions quickly”

What’s another word for casting lots?

What is another word for cast lots?

chance risk
gamble on jeopardiseUK
jeopardizeUS speculate
draw lots tempt fate
tempt fortune toss up

What is another way of saying lots of?

What is another word for a lot of?

numerous many
lots of piles of
plenty of a great deal of
a great number of a multitude of
an abundance of heaps of

What is a good word for lots?

synonyms for lots

  • oodles.
  • acres.
  • gobs.
  • legion.
  • legions.
  • loads.
  • plenty.
  • realty.

What is the meaning of casting lots?

To cast lots or draw lots is to make a random selection. A process for drawing lots is described at Drawing straws § Process. Casting lots or drawing lots may refer to: Cleromancy, a form of divination. Lottery, a form of gambling that involves the drawing of numbers for a prize.

How do you call lots?

A great quantity of something. plenty. oodles. loads. slew.

What does cast lots mean?

How do you say use a lot?

What follows is a list of alternatives to “a lot.” Consider using these more descriptive words and phrases in your next project.

  1. a good deal.
  2. a great deal.
  3. a large number.
  4. ample.
  5. a whole heap.
  6. an abundance.
  7. bunches.
  8. copious, copious amount.

What can I replace lot with?

What follows is a list of alternatives to “a lot.” Consider using these more descriptive words and phrases in your next project.

  • a good deal.
  • a great deal.
  • a large number.
  • ample.
  • a whole heap.
  • an abundance.
  • bunches.
  • copious, copious amount.

What does drawing lots in the Bible mean?

The practice described in the book of Acts of “casting,” “giving” or “taking” lots as a means to select a new apostle to replace Judas Iscariot seems puzzling to modern Christians because moderns tend to view casting lots as a matter of mere random chance, almost like gambling.

How did they cast lots?

Their method of casting lots is a simple one: they cut a branch from a fruit-bearing tree and divide it into small pieces which they mark with certain distinctive signs and scatter at random onto a white cloth.

Is lots a slang word?

Lots definition (colloquial) A lot; a great deal; tons; loads.