What is meant by broad-leaved?

1 : having broad leaves specifically : having leaves that are not needles. 2 : composed of broad-leaved plants broad-leaved forests.

What are broad-leaved forest?

Temperate broad-leaved forests, sometimes called temperate rainforests, are dominated by evergreen vegetation. These forests grow in regions where year-round rainfall is high and steady and frost is rare.

What is another word for broadleaf?

What is another word for broadleaf?

broad-leafed broad-leaved
latifoliate latifolious

What is the difference between broadleaf and Needleleaf trees?

Broad-Leaved Trees Energy moves into the roots, and the tree enters its winter dormancy. Needle-leaf trees, or conifers, have long, thin leaves that resemble needles.

How do you identify a broadleaf plant?

Identification: Characteristics of Broadleaf Plants Broadleaf plants have relatively broad leaves, whereas leaves of grasses and sedges are bladelike. Leaves of broadleaves have one main vein from which smaller veins branch.

What are the example of broad leaves?


  • examples of broadleaved trees [2] Broadleaved trees have mainly large flat leaves; in temperate zones, these usually fall as winter approaches.
  • palm tree. Tree native to tropical regions; among its various species are date- and coconut-bearing kinds.
  • poplar.
  • beech.
  • walnut.
  • maple.

Where do broadleaf trees grow?

Temperate broadleaf forests occur in areas of warm summers and cold winters, with precipitation often spread throughout the year but more seasonal in some areas. Snow is common in the northern part of the zone but decreases greatly to the south.

What is the purpose of broad leaves?

Broad leaves are adapted to maximizing photosynthesis by capturing large amounts of sunlight. Since the gases that are exchanged with the atmosphere in photosynthesis must be dissolved in water, most broad-leaved plants grow in regions with dependable rainfall.

Why do trees have broad leaves?

Solution : The broad leaves have large surface area which allows them: (a) To collect ample sunlight for photosynthesis. (b) To radiate out more heat during summer.

Which is an example of a broadleaf with?

Identification: Weed Photo Gallery, All Categories

Common Name Scientific Name
Chamomile, Mayweed Anthemis cotula Broadleaf
Chickweed, Common Stellaria media Broadleaf
Chickweed, Mouseear Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare Broadleaf
Clover, Strawberry Trifolium fragiferum Broadleaf

How do you identify a broadleaf?

Is grass a broadleaf?

Broadleaf plants generally have wider leaves than grass plants and the stems are often branched. Leaf veination is netlike or has a branched appearance. Grasses and sedges are monocots; their seedlings produce only one cotyledon (sometimes referred to as the coleoptile in grasses).