What is mean Nideshak in English?

director countable noun. The directors of a company are its most senior managers. the board of directors. /nideshaka, nideshak, nideshka, nideshk/

What does Mukhyalay mean?

/mukhyālaya/ mn. HQ variable noun. HQ is an abbreviation for ‘headquarters’.

What is Prabandh Nideshak?

/prabandha nideshaka/ mn. managing director countable noun. The managing director of a company is the senior working director, and is in charge of the way the company is managed.

What is prabandhak?

/prabandhaka/ mn. farmer countable noun. A farmer is a person who owns or manages a farm.

What is mean by Vyavasthapak?

व्यवस्थापक ( vyavasthapak ) meaning in English (इंग्लिश मे मीनिंग) is Administrator ( व्यवस्थापक ka matlab english me Administrator hai).

How many Indian and international languages are supported in prabandhak?

Prabandhak V2 supports 21 Indian languages and 53 international languages. Seamless project management for LSPs to create organizations within Prabandhak and to help centralize project management activities.

What is the synonyms of admit?

Some common synonyms of admit are acknowledge, avow, confess, and own. While all these words mean “to disclose against one’s will or inclination,” admit implies reluctance to disclose, grant, or concede and refers usually to facts rather than their implications.

What is prabandhak tool?

Prabandhak is a unique cloud-based, AI-powered translation management system that ensures swift, easy, and accurate localization. You can now organize your work, automate, and expedite processes while managing your multilingual content – all on one efficient cloud-based translation management system.

What is the opposite admit?

Antonym of Admit Word. Antonym. Admit. Deny. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is the noun of admit?

admit is a verb, admissible is an adjective, admission is a noun:The criminal admitted his guilt.

What is admin in WhatsApp?

Simply put, to mange the Members of the Group. Only the admin has the right to add or remove the members from the WhatsApp group. If a person creates a group then he/she became the admin of that group by default then the admin can promote any other member to be the admin of the same group.