What is mean by feed in English?

1 : to give food to or give as food fed the dog She fed cereal to the baby. 2 : to take food into the body : eat cattle feeding on hay. 3 : to supply with something necessary (as to growth or operation) It’s important to feed plants with fertilizer.

Is Feening a real word?

Noun. Obsessive craving, usually for drugs or alcohol.

What does feed mean in text?

It is not implying that the young people “need” to be fed the messages, just simply that they are growing up with the text messages and more broadly, communication style of short text messages and how that could alter their growth. In this case, it’s being used as a verb.

Is it fed or feed?

Both feed and fed appear as nouns and verbs. If the action you are describing happened in the past, choose fed, as feed is the present tense form of this verb. If you can’t decide whether to choose fed or feed, remember that fed rhymes with bled—another past tense verb.

How do you use the word feed?

Feed sentence example

  1. I’m going to feed the chickens.
  2. How was she going to feed a baby?
  3. I hope we can feed on animals.
  4. Let’s go to the park and feed the ducks.
  5. We already produce more than enough food to feed the planet.
  6. You tried to feed on her?
  7. You’ll feed them and everything?

What is feed answer?

to give food to; provide food for. 2. a. to provide as food. to feed oats to horses.

Is it Feening or feigning?

Also feen [feen] . Slang. to desire greatly: just another junkie fiending after his next hit;As soon as I finish a cigarette I’m fiending to light another.

What is another word for Feening?

What is another word for feening?

craving desiring
wanting coveting
longing for yearning for
hungering for thirsting for
desiderating fancying

What is feed in social media?

Social media feeds are widgets generated by social media aggregators that contain content from various social media accounts. For example, social media feeds can display all your brand’s content from various social media platforms in one wall-like layout.

What is feed meal?

a product made from fish and such marine mammals as whales and seals and from the wastes obtained in processing them. It is prepared by drying and pulverizing the raw material. The addition of feed meal promotes food assimilation and growth in animals.

What is past form feed?

The past tense and past participle of feed. I fed fish to my cat this morning.

What does feed mean in social media?

What is the meaning of feed?

feed noun (INFORMATION) a web page, screen, etc. that updates (= changes) often to show the latest information: Your Twitter feed refreshes automatically to show new tweets. A live video feed enables the ” driver ” to operate the vehicle remotely.

What is the Best RSS feed for learning English in USA?

RSS Feed – allearsenglish.com/feed + Follow RSS Site – allearsenglish.com About Site – All Ears English gives you what you need to finally understand real English. Learn advanced English conversation from two native American English speakers. Frequency 1 post / week View Latest Posts â‹… Get Email Contact

What is a good sentence for the word feed?

The streams feed the creek. The motor is fed by an electrical current. Noun There’s a jam in the paper feed. We had to cut off the main power feed. They’re showing a live satellite feed of the event. Recent Examples on the Web: Verb That means there are eight mouths to feed in their household.

What does feed on STH mean?

feed on sth The beef cattle feed on grass and soya meal. [ I or T ] to supply something to a person or thing, or put something into a machine or system, especially in a regular or continuous way: Air is carried through a series of pipes to feed the furnace.