What is matrix multiplication in analysis of algorithm?

The definition of matrix multiplication is that if C = AB for an n × m matrix A and an m × p matrix B, then C is an n × p matrix with entries.

What is the best algorithm for matrix multiplication?

In linear algebra, the Strassen algorithm, named after Volker Strassen, is an algorithm for matrix multiplication. It is faster than the standard matrix multiplication algorithm for large matrices, with a better asymptotic complexity, although the naive algorithm is often better for smaller matrices.

How do you do matrix multiplication in Java?

Take the two matrices to be multiplied….Approach:

  1. Create a new Matrix to store the product of the two matrices.
  2. Traverse each element of the two matrices and multiply them. Store this product in the new matrix at the corresponding index.
  3. Print the final product matrix.

How do you evaluate the Strassen’s matrix multiplication?

Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication Algorithm

  1. M1:=(A+C)×(E+F)
  2. M2:=(B+D)×(G+H)
  3. M3:=(A−D)×(E+H)
  4. M4:=A×(F−H)
  5. M5:=(C+D)×(E)
  6. M6:=(A+B)×(H)
  7. M7:=D×(G−E)

Why do we use matrix multiplication?

The numbers in a matrix can represent data, and they can also represent mathematical equations. In many time-sensitive engineering applications, multiplying matrices can give quick but good approximations of much more complicated calculations.

What is performance analysis of an algorithm?

Performance analysis of an algorithm is done to understand how efficient that algorithm is compared to another algorithm that solves the same computational problem. Choosing efficient algorithms means computer programmers can write better and efficient programs.

How do you create a matrix class in Java?

The Java Matrix Class provides the fundamental operations of numerical linear algebra. Various constructors create Matrices from two dimensional arrays of double precision floating point numbers….Jama. Class Matrix.

Method Summary
static Matrix random(int m, int n) Generate matrix with random elements
int rank() Matrix rank

How do you memorize Strassen’s algorithm?

Remember Counting : Write P1 + P2 at C2. Write P3 + P4 at its diagonal Position i.e. at C3. Write P4 + P5 + P6 at 1st position and subtract P2 i.e. C1 = P4 + P5 + P6 – P2. Write odd values at last Position with alternating – and + sign i.e. P1 P3 P5 P7 becomes C4 = P1 – P3 + P5 – P7.

How Strassen’s algorithm is made efficient?

Strassen in 1969 which gives an overview that how we can find the multiplication of two 2*2 dimension matrix by the brute-force algorithm. But by using divide and conquer technique the overall complexity for multiplication two matrices is reduced.