What is marine transportation?

Marine transportation involves waterways and ports that move goods (e.g., agriculture, oil and gas, cars, clothing, appliances) and people (e.g., on ferries, cruise ships, sightsee- ing vessels). It has broad-reaching impacts to the Northeast region, as well as nationally and internationally.

What is Bachelor of Science in Marine transportation?

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MARINE TRANSPORTATION BS in Marine Transportation is a professional program that deals with the study of navigation, cargo handling and stowage, controlling of the safe operation and care for people onboard the ship at the operational level.

What is the best strand for marine transportation?

Students who are planning to take up BS Marine Transportation can select between Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) as their Senior High School (SHS) strand.

What major is Seaman?

Aspiring Filipino seamen are required to acquire degrees such as Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation and Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering or basic seaman course from maritime schools.

How many years is marine transportation?

The Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation (BSMT) is a four-year degree program in the Philippines that will train you in performing and fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of a marine deck officer including navigation, radio communication, and basic safety among other things.

How much is the salary of marine transportation?

The average marine transportation salary in the USA is $89,113 per year or $45.70 per hour. Entry level positions start at $75,000 per year while most experienced workers make up to $117,973 per year.

How long is BS Marine Transportation?

It is a four-year residency course consisting of a three-year academic studies (1st, 2nd and 4th year) and one year shipboard training (3rd year) on board commercial vessels plying the international sea lanes as deck cadets.

Is gas Strand difficult?

Like any other strand, this strand will not be as difficult as it seems if you have passion and happiness for this kind of subject and for the people around you. Also, GAS Strand studies about the core subjects that can also be found in other strand like STEM, ABM, and HUMSS.

Is Marine Transportation in demand in the Philippines?

Do I recommend studying Marine Transportation: Yes. This is a very recommended course in terms of employment opportunities. Filipino seafarers are highly considered by international shipping agencies for their competence. It’s an in-demand job today.

Does GAS have math?

GAS or General Academic Strand offers subjects from the three other SHS Academic strands: Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Strand, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Strand, and Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Strand.

Can GAS strand take Doctor?

Under GAS, SHS graduates can get jobs as teachers, doctors, lawyers, businessmen, accountants, engineers, social workers, designers, psychologists – practically any job under the three other strands!