What is LMT and RMT?

In the United States, massage therapists who hold a state license to practice are typically known as LMTs, whereas Canadian counterparts are known as registered massage therapists or RMTs.

What is LMT certification?

Licensed Massage Therapists, or LMTs, have received a license from a state government permitting the therapist to practice within that state.

Do you need a license to be a massage therapist in Australia?

The minimum qualification required to become a Massage Therapist in Australia is a Certificate IV in Massage Therapy (HLT42015). Some employers may prefer candidates with a higher qualification. Complete a Certificate IV in Massage Therapy (HLT42015) which will prepare you for entry level roles.

What is an LMT at a spa?

Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT)

What is the difference between LMT and CMT?

The basic difference between certified massage therapists and licensed massage therapists is the certification versus licensure process. Certification is offered by private, non-governmental agencies which acknowledge that an individual has met measurable standards.

What do RMTs do?

During your first visit with a Registered Massage Therapist at Myokinetics there will be a consultation of your medical history as well as a thorough assessment of your current condition or injury. Your RMT may ask you to perform some special tests/movements to help determine the severity and cause of your injury.

What is the difference between LMP and LMT?

A licensed massage therapist, or LMT, and a licensed massage practitioner, or LMP, are essentially the same thing. The key word in both job titles is “licensed” — meaning the person has been approved by the state to perform therapeutic massage.

What qualification do I need to be a massage therapist?

The following tabs help explain how to get started in each therapy at LSM, however please think of your first entry point being the VTCT (ITEC) Level 3 Diploma in Massage, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology (A&P). This would be your professional, entry-level or gateway qualification to becoming a Massage Therapist.

What qualifications do I need to be a massage therapist in Australia?

To work in Australia as a Massage Therapist you require a Certificate IV or a Diploma in Massage Therapy Practice, plus join an approved industry association. The qualifications take between 1-2 years to complete, including supervised clinic hours under a qualified massage therapist.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a massage therapist?

What are the Pros and Cons of Becoming a Registered Massage Therapist?

  • Earn what you’re worth.
  • Work right away.
  • Enjoy a flexible schedule.
  • Choose your work environment.
  • Travel.
  • It can be hard on your body.
  • Your hours are limited.
  • You may encounter a difficult work environment.

How often should you see an RMT?

When addressing an injury or acute issue, I suggest seeing your RMT weekly for two to three weeks. At the end of that period, get a re-assessment. If your therapist says you’ve responded well, you may be able to reduce the frequency to every two weeks.