What is LDAP user search filter?

LDAP Authentication Search Filter is a basic LDAP Query for searching users based on mapping of username to a particular LDAP attribute. 2. The following are some commonly used Search Filters. You will need to use a search filter which uses the attributes specific to your LDAP environment.

What is base search in LDAP?

LDAP Authentication 1. Search Base denotes the location in the directory where the search for a particular directory object begins. 2. It is denoted as the distinguished name of the search base directory object.

How do I test LDAP search filters?

Testing LDAP authentication settings

  1. Click System > System Security (or Security and access > System Security if in 2.3.
  2. Click Test LDAP authentication settings.
  3. Test the LDAP user name search filter.
  4. Test the LDAP group name search filter.

How do I find LDAP search base?

To search for the LDAP configuration, use the “ldapsearch” command and specify “cn=config” as the search base for your LDAP tree. To run this search, you have to use the “-Y” option and specify “EXTERNAL” as the authentication mechanism.

What is LDAP subtree?

A subtree search (or a deep search) includes all child objects as well as the base object. You can request the LDAP provider to chase referrals to other LDAP directory services, including other directory domains or forests.

How do I create a LDAP query?

To create an LDAP query

  1. In the Web console toolbox, click Distribution > Directory manager.
  2. Browse the Directory manager tree and select an object in the LDAP directory.
  3. Click the New LDAP query toolbar button.
  4. Type a descriptive name for the query.
  5. Select an LDAP attribute that will be a criterion for the query.

How do I test a LDAP query?

Test LDAP queries

  1. From a windows command line or run dialog.
  2. Run %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\rundll32.exe dsquery,OpenQueryWindow.
  3. In the Find drop down select Custom Search.
  4. Then switch to the Advanced tab.
  5. Here you can test your query.