What is Kriek lambic beer?
What is Kriek lambic beer?
Kriek is a Flemish word which uses cherries — specifically, sour Morello cherries. Historically, Krieks were made in Belgium by adding whole or macerated cherries (important, though, the pits were intact) to a lambic beer base and letting the beer referment on the fruit.
What is Cantillon lambic?
Cantillon is a liquid time machine. To make its fruited lambics, Cantillon blends spontaneously fermented sour ale aged an average of 20 months with fresh fruit. It sits for two to three months, then is blended with one-year-old lambic, then aged in oak barrels.
What fruit is used in a Kriek?
As mentioned, Krieks are spontaneously fermented beers from Belgium, brewed with the addition of sour cherries. The traditionally used cherries are of the Schaerbeek variety, small and similar to sour cherries.
Is kriek sweet?
The cherries and young lambic create a red beer that is both natural and fresh, with an absolutely unforgettable sweet and sour taste. This is kriek as it should be, with nothing but real cherries and lambic. There is no place for artificial colourings or flavourings.
Is kriek a cherry?
“Kriek” is simply the Flemish word for cherry, and these spontaneously fermented beers are brewed with the fruit — pits and all.
How long can you age Cantillon?
Cantillon Geuze 100% Lambic, 5% ABV. A classic wild beer from Belgium that can develop extra funk, tartness, and fruit flavors over time. The brewery suggests aging for up to 20 years, if you’ve got the time.
How do you use a lambic basket?
Lambic baskets are used to keep the bottles as close to the horizontal position as possible ‒ between 20 and 23 degrees ‒ when pouring to help prevent flavor-altering sediment from entering the glass.
What is kriek made from?
Kriek lambic is a style of Belgian beer, made by fermenting lambic with sour Morello cherries. Traditionally “Schaarbeekse krieken” (a rare Belgian Morello variety) from the area around Brussels are used.