What is known as the Granite State?

New Hampshire has 4 nicknames. The first is the one by which the state is commonly known. Granite State: for our extensive granite formations and quarries. Mother of Rivers: for the rivers of New England that originate in our Mountains.

What is New Hampshire mainly known for?

It’s commonly known as the Granite State for its extensive granite formations and quarries, but also has three other nicknames: Mother of River, the White Mountain State and Switzerland of America.

What are 5 interesting facts about New Hampshire?

Fun Facts

  • New Hampshire was the first state to have its own state constitution.
  • The top of Mt.
  • Many of Robert Frost’s famous poems were inspired by New Hampshire.
  • New Hampshire is one of the first states to hold presidential primaries.
  • The state was named by Captain John Mason after Hampshire county in England.

What are New Hampshire’s natural resources?

Natural Resources: Climate and soils, clays and loam, support dense forests. 85% of New Hampshire is forested. Valuable softwood trees are balsam fir, cedar, hemlock, spruce, tamarack and white pine. Valuable hardwoods are ash, basswood, beech, birch, maple and oak.

Which state has most granite?

Where is Granite Found in the United States? Granite is found mainly in Texas, Massachusetts, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Georgia, as these are the top producers of granite in the U.S., accounting for 64 percent of the country’s production.

What kind of state is New Hampshire?

New Hampshire is a state in the New England region of the United States. It is bordered by Massachusetts to the south, Vermont to the west, Maine and the Gulf of Maine to the east, and the Canadian province of Quebec to the north….

New Hampshire
Website www.nh.gov

What did New Hampshire produce?

Greenhouse and nursery products and milk and dairy products are New Hampshire’s most important commodities. These categories add up to almost 2/3 of the state’s total agricultural production, in cash receipts. Apples, vegetables and sweet corn, and maple products round out New Hampshire’s top crops.

What is New Hampshire’s state tree?

Paper birchNew Hampshire / State tree

What is the meaning of granite?

Definition of granite. 1: a very hard natural igneous rock formation of visibly crystalline texture formed essentially of quartz and orthoclase or microcline and used especially for building and for monuments.

What is granite for kids?

KidzSearch Safe Wikipedia for Kids. Granite is a kind of igneous rock, found on Earth but nowhere else in the Solar System. It is formed from hot, molten magma. Its colour can be dark or light grey, brown, or even pink, according to the proportions of its minerals .

What is the colour of granite?

Granite is a kind of igneous rock, found on Earth but nowhere else in the Solar System. It is formed from hot, molten magma. Its colour can be dark or light grey, brown, or even pink, according to the proportions of its minerals .

Where is granite found on Earth?

Granite is a common stone on Earth, and makes up a big part of the crust (the Earth’s outer layer). It is usually found in the continental plates of the Earth’s crust.