What is key skills level 2 maths equivalent to?

GCSE Grade C
Overview. This Functional Skills Mathematics course at Level 2 is equivalent to a GCSE Grade C or Grade 4 in Maths.

How do I prepare for functional skills maths Level 2?

Before the exam

  1. Before the exam.
  2. Be sure to use revision resources that are made for Functional Skills Reforms.
  3. Find out what format your exam will be in.
  4. Write down a list of topics that you need to revise and create a revision timetable.
  5. Use your time wisely!
  6. Most importantly – try not to stress.
  7. On the day of the exam.

How many papers are there in functional skills maths Level 2?

Edexcel (Pearson) functional skills maths level 2 exams contain two separate exam papers, a non-calculator paper and a calculator paper. Candidates are required to have a pen, pencil, ruler, protractor, pair of compasses and a calculator for section B.

Is functional skills level 2 maths easy?

While Functional Skills Level 2 Maths and Functional Skills English are simpler and quicker to complete, their recognition as C/4 GCSE grade equivalents does mean you will be required to meet a certain level of subject proficiency to pass the Functional Skills exam.

Is Level 2 maths the same as GCSE?

Functional Skills Maths Level 2 is equivalent to a GCSE Maths pass grade 9 to 4 (A* to C). It’s an alternative qualification to GCSE Maths for adults and GCSE pupils who learn better with practical, real-life examples.

Is Level 2 maths a GCSE?

Level 2 maths and English, often called functional skills maths level 2 and English are GCSE equivalent qualifications taken by people who need to get into Uni, apply for a job, or complete and apprenticeship.

What is the pass rate for level 2 maths?

58.80% 45.2%
As it the end of the academic year, we will be looking at the pass rates for Functional Skills 2020-21….Functional Skills Pass Rates 2020/21.

Assessment First Time Pass Rate Overall Pass Rate
Maths Level 2 58.80% 45.2%
Reading Level 1 90.40% 72.3%
Reading Level 2 81.50% 65.8%
Writing Level 1 80.80% 64.2%

What is the pass rate for functional skills level 2?

As it the end of the academic year, we will be looking at the pass rates for Functional Skills 2020-21….Functional Skills Pass Rates 2020/21.

Assessment First Time Pass Rate Overall Pass Rate
Maths Level 2 58.80% 45.2%
Reading Level 1 90.40% 72.3%
Reading Level 2 81.50% 65.8%
Writing Level 1 80.80% 64.2%

How long does it take to complete functional skills level 2 maths?

On average the course takes learners between 8 and 12 weeks however we have had learners complete the course very quickly and similarly if you need longer we allow up to a year for all of our Functional Skills courses.

Are key skills still accepted?

Awarding organisations can continue to offer key skills qualifications, and we are not requiring any changes to them. Schools and colleges can continue to use these qualifications as they do currently.