What is Karbolyn fuel good for?

It can be mixed into any formula as a replacement for slow absorbing carbohydrates & sugars or can be flavored and used as a stand-alone product. Karbolyn ® is great for meal replacements, weight gains, energy drinks, or anywhere a high end quick absorbing carbohydrate is needed.

What is Karbolyn powder?

➤ FOOD-BASED, FAST-ACTING FUEL – Karbolyn is a clinically studied (with peer-reviewed, published research) carbohydrate supplement powder sourced from potato, rice, and corn.

When should I drink Karbolyn?

Use Karbolyn® 45 – 60 minutes before your workout or competition to have maximum muscle fuel available. Karbolyn® will provide sustained energy to your muscles. Karbolyn® is absorbed quicker than dextrose, maltodextrine and fructose, and will keep your energy at the upper level for a long time.

How do you use EFX Karbolyn?

As a dietary supplement, mix 1 scoop in a shaker cup with 16 oz of water and drink 30 minutes before exercise. BEFORE TRAINING – Drink 1 serving 30 minutes before exercise. DURING TRAINING – Sip on 1 serving during exercise. AFTER TRAINING – Drink 1 serving after exercise.

How long does KarboLyn last?

between 60 – 75 minutes
Based on the data so far, KarboLyn appears to get into the blood stream at least as fast as simple glucose, causing a slightly higher ‘spike’ than that produced by glucose, in normal volunteers, during the first 15 – 45 minute, and lasts between 60 – 75 minutes.

Does KarboLyn raise blood sugar?

Volunteers showed a distinct, proportionally rapid rise in glucose levels, spiking at 30 minutes for both KarboLyn® and the glucose placebo in normal controls.

Is KarboLyn safe to take?

KarboLyn® raises and sustains blood glucose better than glucose and other sugars. It can be used to carb load before exercise, sustain energy during exercise, and help replace muscle glycogen after workouts. A typical dosage is 30-60 grams of KarboLyn® during exercise. KarboLyn® has no known side effects.

Does KarboLyn spike insulin?

Results. Preliminary evidence suggests that KarboLyn® has the ability to suppress sugar spikes and leads to potential reductions in overall glucose levels for pre-diabetics and Type 2 diabetic responders.

Does KarboLyn give you energy?

It enters the bloodstream like a simple sugar, yet it still provides sustained energy without “crashing”. Karbolyn Energy is absorbed faster than dextrose, simple sugar, bread, pasta, rice, and other carbohydrate products sold in the marketplace – simple or complex….

Brand EFX Sports
Item Weight 4 Pounds

Is KarboLyn a good post workout?

Invented for the sole purpose of carb loading for elite athletes, Karbolyn is considered the fastest, safest and most effective way to load the muscles with glycogen post-workout.

Is KarboLyn good for diabetics?

Preliminary evidence suggests that KarboLyn® has the ability to suppress sugar spikes and leads to potential reductions in overall glucose levels for pre-diabetics and Type 2 diabetic responders.

Does KarboLyn have caffeine?

†Daily Value (DV) not established. Other Ingredients: Citric Acid, Natural & Artificial Fruit Punch Flavors, Sucralose & FD&C Red #40….Supplement Facts.

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Karbolyn (homopolysaccaride) derived from potato, rice and corn 50g
Caffeine 250mg