What is K0 consolidation?
What is K0 consolidation?
K0 consolidation. It is sometimes important to carry out triaxial tests under condi- tions of zero lateral strain. These tests are known as the K0 con- solidation. The K0 test consolidates a saturated soil sample at zero horizontal strain keeping the cross-sectional area constant.
How do you calculate soil K0?
The in situ effective stresses represent an important initial condition for geotechnical analyses. Typically, the horizontal stress is computed from the vertical stress using the coefficient of earth pressure at rest K0=σh’/σv’, where σh’ and σv’ are effective horizontal and vertical stresses, respectively.
What is a consolidation test?
Consolidation test is used to determine the rate and magnitude of soil consolidation when the soil is restrained laterally and loaded axially. The Consolidation test is also referred to as Standard Oedometer test or One-dimensional compression test.
What is K0 soils?
The coefficient of lateral stress at rest K0 is a state soil variable, yet is well correlated to strength. As different types of friction angles can be defined, it is important to examine the applicability of K0-strength correlation and further clarify the mechanism of K0-stress state.
What is K0 value?
Various geotechnical engineering problems require the value of coefficient of earth pressure at rest (K0) for determining the in situ stress and designing engineering structures. At present, most available empirical methods for estimating this value are based either on the plasticity index or friction angle.
When the degree of consolidation is 50% the time factor is about?
For the consolidation of 50%, find the time factor. (T_v)_{50}=\frac{π}{4}(\frac{50}{100})^2=0.197.
What is normal consolidation?
A soil that is currently experiencing its highest stress is said to be “normally consolidated” and has an OCR of one. A soil could be considered “underconsolidated” or “unconsolidated” immediately after a new load is applied but before the excess pore water pressure has dissipated.
Why is consolidation test important?
The consolidation test measures how the soil compacts as the water is forced out. This test is important because building foundations may not be deep enough to reach bedrock, or rock layers may not be present where construction will take place.
Which is the minimum earth pressure?
The minimum stable value of K is called the active earth pressure coefficient, Ka; the active earth pressure is obtained, for example, when a retaining wall moves away from the soil.
What is earth pressure at rest?
) given previously, the latter returns a coefficient of earth pressure equal to 0.211, that is, the coefficient of earth pressure at rest.
What is average degree of consolidation?
The average degree of consolidation (U) is calculated using the dissipated excess pore water pressure at some point in time during consolidation as a fraction of the total initial excess pore water pressure. This average degree of consolidation translates directly to percentage settlement (Lovisa et al., 2011) U~s …