What is JST in military?

The Joint Services Transcript is a collaborative program that replaces previous transcript programs. The JST describes your military schooling and work history in civilian terms, as a standard form, making it easier for colleges to read and recommend credits.

What does JST mean navy?

Joint Services Transcript
The Joint Services Transcript (JST) provides a description of military schooling and work history in civilian language. It serves as a counseling tool for academic and career counselors in advising service members and veterans.

Where do I find my JST army?

To access your JST, visit the JST website. For official transcripts, go to the JST website for more information. Your military training and experience may also be supported by your Verification of Military Education and Training (VMET). Click here to learn more about accessing your VMET.

Where do I find Navy JST?

Members can view, download, and print their unofficial JST/SMART by going to the JST/SMART website: https://www.navycollege.navy.mil/jst_info.html. At the website, discover how to obtain copies, make corrections, FAQs, how to order an official JST/SMART for a college or university, etc.

What does JST stand for?

JST. Japan Standard Time (GMT+0900)

What does l and u mean on JST?

semester hours (SH) and level of the credit (V=vocational, L=lower, U=upper, and G=graduate) aligned to the right. ● At the end of the credit recommendation, two sets of dates appear in. parenthesis (mm/yy).

How do I contact JST?

Contact Us If you are Army, please contact the Army JST Helpdesk at usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.tagd-jst@army.mil for further assistance.

How can I access JST from home?

Request Official Joint Services Transcript

  1. Register for a JST account.
  2. Click on the ‘Transcripts’ tab at the top of the page, then click the ‘Official Transcript Request’ tab.
  3. Type in the institute name or any part of the name and click ‘search’ or hit the enter key.

How do I obtain my military records?

You can request your military records in any of these ways:

  1. Mail or fax a Request Pertaining to Military Records (Standard Form SF 180) to the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC).
  2. Write a letter to the NPRC.
  3. Visit the NPRC in person.
  4. Contact your state or county Veterans agency.
  5. Hire an independent researcher.

How do I update my Navy JST?

How do I update missing or incomplete personnel data on my JST? Active Duty: Contact your servicing PSD or Personnel and Administration Office. That office will submit corrections to PERS-312 or PERS-8. Veterans: Mail certified or notarized “to be true” copy of DD Form 214 to the JST Operations Center*.