What is Jenkins Code Analysis?

This plugin provides utilities for the static code analysis plugins. Jenkins can parse the results file from various Code Analysis tools such as CheckStyle, FindBugs, PMD etc. For each corresponding code analysis tool, a plugin in Jenkins needs to be installed.

How do I use Code Analysis in Visual Studio?

Specify rule sets for multiple projects in a solution

  1. Open the solution in Visual Studio.
  2. On the Analyze menu, select Configure Code Analysis for Solution.
  3. If necessary, expand Common Properties, and then select Code Analysis Settings.
  4. You can specify a rule set for one or more projects:

How do I get Code Analysis report in Visual Studio 2019?

Run code analysis manually

  1. In Solution Explorer, select the project.
  2. On the Analyze menu, select Run Code Analysis on [Project Name].

What language is Jenkins written in?

JavaJenkins / Programming language

Why is SonarQube used with Jenkins?

This plugin lets you centralize the configuration of SonarQube server connection details in Jenkins global configuration. Then you can trigger SonarQube analysis from Jenkins using standard Jenkins Build Steps or Jenkins Pipeline DSL to trigger analysis with: SonarScanner.

What is run code analysis in Visual Studio?

The Code Analysis feature of Visual Studio performs static code analysis to help developers identify potential design, globalization, interoperability, performance, security, and a host of other categories of potential problems.

What are Visual Studio analyzers?

Applies to: Visual Studio Visual Studio for Mac. . NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn) Analyzers inspect your C# or Visual Basic code for style, quality, maintainability, design, and other issues. This inspection or analysis happens during design time in all open files.

How do you document code analysis?

Here’s how static code analysis works.

  1. Write the Code. Your first step is to write the code.
  2. Run a Static Code Analyzer. Next, run a static code analyzer over your code.
  3. Review the Results. The static code analyzer will identify code that doesn’t comply with the coding rules.
  4. Fix What Needs to Be Fixed.
  5. Move On to Testing.

Which scripting language is best for Jenkins?

“What type of script?” you ask. Excellent question. The Jenkins Workflow plugin uses a language called Groovy for its scripts. Groovy is a versatile scripting language for the JVM.

Why is Jenkins called Jenkins?

History. The Jenkins project was originally named Hudson, and was renamed in 2011 after a dispute with Oracle, which had forked the project and claimed rights to the project name.

How do I run SonarQube analysis in Jenkins?


  1. Log into Jenkins as an administrator and go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System.
  2. Scroll down to the SonarQube configuration section, click Add SonarQube, and add the values you’re prompted for.
  3. The server authentication token should be created as a ‘Secret Text’ credential.

How do I use SonarQube scanner in Jenkins?

Use following steps for configuring SonarQube with Jenkins:

  1. Open Jenkins on your browser and login using the credentials.
  2. Click on ‘Manage Jenkins’ on left menu.
  3. Click on ‘Manage Plugins’ option from the list.
  4. Now click on ‘Available’ tab to search for the plugin.
  5. Type ‘SonarQube’ in the filter text box and hit enter.