What is ITV in radiotherapy?

Background. Internal Target Volume (ITV) is one of the most common strategies to passively manage tumour motion in Radiotherapy (RT).

What are the Icru guidelines?

The ICRU Reference Point criteria are: “(1) the dose to the point should be clinically relevant; (2) the point should be easy to define in a clear and unambiguous way; (3) the point should be selected so that the dose can be accurately determined; (4) the point should be in a region where there is no steep dose …

What is an ICRU Report?

The Journal of the ICRU publishes reports on important and topical subjects within the field of radiation science and measurement. It is the successor to the series of reports published by or on behalf of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) since 1927.

What is CTV in radiation therapy?

Developments in imaging have contributed to the definition of the GTV. The second volume contains the GTV, plus a margin for sub-clinical disease spread which therefore cannot be fully imaged; this is known as the clinical target volume (CTV).

What is GTV CTV and PTV?

This target volume is subdivided into several subsets: the gross tumour target volume (GTV), the clinical target volume (CTV) and the planning target volume (PTV). The GTV and CTV have a biological background. The GTV is what you can see, measure or palpate.

What is a hotspot in radiotherapy?

The region in a radiation/contamination area where the level of radiation/contamination is significantly greater than in neighboring regions in the area.

What is Icru 38?

ICRU Report 38, Dose and Volume Specification for Reporting Intracavitary Therapy in Gynecology. This Report deals with the problem of dose and volume specification with prinicpal emphasis on gynecological applications.

Why is Icru important?

The responsibility of ICRU remains unchanged; namely, providing internationally- acceptable recommendations concerning concepts, quantities, units, and measurement procedures for users of ionizing radiation in medicine, basic science, industry, environment and radiation protection.

What is GTV and PTV?

Definition. PTV includes the gross tumor volume (GTV), the clinical target volume (CTV), and a margin to account for setup error, movement, and any possible geometric variations.

What does the GTV include?

The GTV includes all areas of gross disease, including clinically involved lymph nodes. The CTV accounts for microscopic extension. Rigorous pathologic evaluation of surgically resected lung specimens has shown that a margin of 6 to 8 mm can account for 95% of microscopic extension.

What is Reference Air Kerma?

Reference air kerma rate The RAKR is defined as the kerma rate to air, in air, at a reference distance of 1 m, corrected for air attenuation and scattering (i.e. in vacuo). In 2004, the ICRU report 7211 provided a slightly revised definition of the RAKR for low-energy photon sources used for brachytherapy.

What Icru 62?

ICRU Report 62 provides recommendations on the volumes and absorbed doses that are important in prescribing, recording and reporting photon beam therapy, utilizing the new and improved irradiation techniques that have become available since the publication of ICRU Report 50 in 1993.