What is interoperability defense?

Interoperability refers to the ability of different military organisations to conduct joint operations. These organisations can be of different nationalities or different armed services (ground, naval and air forces) or both. Interoperability allows forces, units or systems to operate together.

What does DOD mean in the military?

Department of Defense
DOD: Department of Defense. The department of the U.S. government responsible for military operations.

What is the synonym of interoperability?

synergy, interplay, consistency, reciprocity.

What does the R stand for in veteran?

R — Resolve. I don’t doubt that each and every veteran has strived to be the best in all he or she has done. The “R” in the acronym can also mean “remembrance.” Military veterans know it’s important to never forget the sacrifices that have been made to protect this country.

What does fubar mean in the military?

f***ed up beyond all repair
FUBAR is an acronym that originated in the military to stand for the words “f***ed up beyond all repair.” This is often softened to “fouled up beyond all repair” in reference to hardware.

How do you become a member of NATO?

After every member country ratifies the protocols, the NATO secretary-general invites the new countries to accede to the Washington Treaty. Only once the countries formally submit their “instruments of accession” to the U.S. State Department will they formally become NATO members.

What is NATO’s job?

NATO’s purpose is to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means. POLITICAL – NATO promotes democratic values and enables members to consult and cooperate on defence and security-related issues to solve problems, build trust and, in the long run, prevent conflict.

What is the opposite of interoperability?

Yet all too often, when healthcare IT companies make grandiose claims about being interoperable, reality reveals the opposite – what they really are is intraoperable.