What is interceptor green?

Interceptor Plus (milbemycine oxime/praziquantel) combines heartworm disease prevention with the treatment and control of adult hookworm, roundworm, whipworm and tapeworm infections. It’s a once-a-month, chicken-flavored chewable that’s safe for puppies 6 weeks and older, weighing over 2 pounds.

What is interceptor for dogs used for?

Milbemycin oxime (brand name Interceptor®) is a heartworm disease preventive and treats internal parasites (e.g., hookworms, roundworms) in dogs and cats. It is also found in combination products (such as Sentinel®, Sentinel Spectrum®, and Trifexis®) with other drugs (lufenuron or spinosad).

How often should a dog take interceptor?

Heartworm Prevention: INTERCEPTOR PLUS should be administered at monthly intervals beginning within 1 month of the dog’s first seasonal exposure to mosquitoes and continuing until at least 6 months after the dog’s last seasonal exposure (see EFFECTIVENESS).

Do I need a prescription to buy Interceptor Plus?

Interceptor Plus will require a prescription from your veterinarian before you can purchase it. Be sure to have your pet’s past and current health history so you and your veterinarian can determine if Interceptor Plus is a good fit for your dog.

Why was interceptor taken off the market?

The Greenfield, Ind., veterinary drug maker inherited Interceptor from Novartis Animal Health, which discontinued the monthly medication in 2013 because of quality-control issues.

Which is better Interceptor or Heartgard?

Both Interceptor and Heartgard Plus are FDA-Approved to prevent heartworm, and reviews agree that they are both very effective products. Heartgard Plus may have a slight edge with fussy dogs, but Interceptor provides protection against whipworm infections, where Heartgard Plus does not.

Is interceptor a dewormer?

Interceptor Plus is a broad spectrum anthelmintic for dogs. In other words, Interceptor Plus contains two active ingredients that will aid in the elimination of 5 parasitic worms. This chewable dewormer comes in four different weight categories: 2 to 8 lbs.

What are the side effects of interceptor?

The following adverse reactions have been reported following the use of INTERCEPTOR: Depression/lethargy, vomiting, ataxia, anorexia, diarrhea, convulsions, weakness and hypersalivation.

What’s the difference between Interceptor Plus and Interceptor?

Interceptor is safe for use in cats, but Interceptor Plus is formulated only for use in dogs. Arguably, the most notable difference between these products is that Interceptor Plus contains a second active ingredient – Praziquantel. This additional ingredient offers added protection against tapeworms.

What is the safest heartworm medication for dogs?

The two most common (and generally considered safe) heartworm preventative ingredients used today are ivermectin (used in Heartgard by Merial, and other products) and milbemycin oxime (used in Interceptor by Novartis).

Is interceptor the same as Nexgard?

Interceptor Spectrum is a highly palatable tasty chew that controls heartworm infection in dogs. The monthly tasty chew prevents and controls heartworms in dogs….Nexgard + Interceptor Spectrum Combo Pack – Flea, Tick, Heartworm & Worm Protection Pack.

Target species Dogs
Brand Name Nexgard Interceptor

Can my dog still get worms while on interceptor?

Can my dog still get heartworms on Interceptor for dogs? Unfortunately, yes. No heartworm preventative is 100% effective all the time. Dispensing errors, vomiting after taking their meds, improper dosage, and improper storage of medications can all be to blame for why some dogs still get heartworms on medication.