What is insula Dracon in Just Cause 3?

Insula Dracon (translated as Dragon Island) is a region in Just Cause 3. See also: Maps.

How many rebel shrines are there?

Just Cause 3 Rebel Shrines – All Locations There are 18 rebel shrines in Insula Fonte, 10 in Insula Dracon, and 21 in Insula Striate.

What is insula Fonte on Just Cause 3?

According to the official Just Cause 3 website, Insula Fonte is “a medley of poor and rich towns demonstrating the diversity of people and the style of life in a land crumbling under the ruthless rule of General Di Ravello”.

Where are all of the vintage parts in Just Cause 3?

Vintage Part Locations

  • Capite Est. Along the North-East shoreline, you can find this part under a tree.
  • Capite West. Just a few hundred meters east of the runway at the military base, you’ll find this part up in the hills.
  • Cauda.
  • Costa Sud.
  • Feno.
  • Grande Pastura.
  • Lavanda.
  • Libeccio.

How do you disable FOW in Insula Dracon?

Due to being a CentCom base, Corda Dracon is defended by FOW EMP canons, which can be disabled by completing the mission Electromagnetic Pulse. These cannons can later be replicated by unlocking/equipping the handheld FOW The Thunderbird.

How do you unlock the electromagnetic pulse mission?

Electromagnetic Pulse is a mission in Just Cause 3. For anything else related to EMP, see EMP (disambiguation)….Raise a Floppa – The Loop.

Electromagnetic Pulse
To unlock Liberate at least 4 provinces at Insula Dracon
Starting location Near Guardia Massos V

What happens when you light all the rebel shrines in Just Cause 3?

Lighting all 49 shrines in Medici will unlock unlimited free fast travel throughout all of Medici, even in areas like the Volcano and Boom Island, which aren’t in a specified region. Rebel Shrines appear as a small, blue roofed platform with multiple candles inside. To complete the shrine, Rico lights the candles.

Is there a map in Just Cause 3?

The map size of Just Cause 3 (Medici) is 400 square miles including all of the three regions as compared to Just Cause 4 which is said to be approximately 395 square miles.

How do you unlock Carmen albatross?

Unlocked for Rebel drop after collecting all “Vintage Parts” in Insula Striate. With the above locations, this vehicle only has 2-5 spawn points, making it one of the rarest vehicles in Just Cause 3.

How do I get Zabijak U 24?

The U 24 Zabijak is your reward for finding all the vintage parts on Insula Fonte….Collect all these vintage parts and you’ll earn the U-24 Zabijak.

  1. U-24 Zabijak Vintage Part 1 (37.120 N, 38.980 E) Look inside the Inside the cave.
  2. U-24 Zabijak Vintage Part 2 (37.027 N, 39.500 E) This part is inside the caves.