What is instruction set of Intel 8085?

Data Transfer Group

Instruction Set Explanation Machine Cycles
MVI r, data [r] ←data Move immediate data to register 3
LXI rp, data 16 [rp] ←data 16 bits, [rh] ←8 MSBs, [rl] ←8 LSBs of data Load Register pair immediate 3
LDA addr [A] ←[addr] Load Accumulator direct 4
STA Addr [addr] ←[A] Store accumulator direct 4

How many registers are there in Intel basic programming model of the 386?

Some operations need absolutely some kind of registers but most of the you can use any of the freely. Here is a list of the available registers on the 386 and higher processors. This list shows the 32 bit registers. Most of the can be broken down to 16 or even 8 bits register.

Which of the following is used in Intel 386 architecture?

The Intel 386, originally released as 80386 and later renamed i386, is a 32-bit microprocessor introduced in 1985. The first versions had 275,000 transistors and were the CPU of many workstations and high-end personal computers of the time….i386.

General information
Predecessor Intel 80286
Successor i486

What is a 386 computer?

The PC-386 was a 32-bit personal computer with a 20-MHz 80386 CPU that could run PC-98 series software at more than twice the speed of 16-bit machines. Featuring ample extensibility, the PC-386 offered high-speed processing of business applications along with excellent cost effectiveness.

How fast is 386?

The Deskpro 386 running at up to 16 megahertz (a measure of processing speed) is more than four times faster than a PC XT running at 4.77 megahertz because the 80386 chip digests data and software instructions in bigger chunks than either the 8088 chip of the PC XT or the 80286 chip of the PC AT running at 6 or 8 …

How many registers are there in Intel basic programming model of the 486?

On the 80386 and 80486 these registers control functions such as paged memory management, cache enable/disable/operation (80486 only), protected mode operation, and more. The 80386/486 also adds eight debugging registers.

What is a 486?

The fourth generation of the Intel x86 family of CPU chips. The term may refer to the chip or to a PC that used it. Introduced in 1989, it was the successor to the 386 and the first chip in the line to include a built-in math coprocessor. Providing acceptable performance for DOS, it was bare minimum for Windows.

What is the difference between SX and DX in a 386 chip?

The SX was a 32-bit chip internally, but only had a 16-bit path to the system memory. The DX was a full 32-bit chip. It could address memory faster, and more of it. You could only put 16 MB of memory on a 386 SX.

How many groups are there in instruction set of 8085?

 The entire group of instructions that a microprocessor supports is called Instruction Set.  8085 has 246 instructions.  Each instruction is represented by an 8-bit binary value.

How many instructions has the Intel 8085 CPU list the groups of instructions and the list of instructions?

Number of instructions in 8085 Microprocessor

Description No. of opcodes No. of instruction types
Branch Instructions 36 8
I/O Instructions 2 2
Interrupt Instructions 5 5
Total 246 66