What is if-else if ladder explain with an example in C?

In C/C++ if-else-if ladder helps user decide from among multiple options. The C/C++ if statements are executed from the top down. As soon as one of the conditions controlling the if is true, the statement associated with that if is executed, and the rest of the C else-if ladder is bypassed.

Which statement is also known as if-else ladder?

In programming, if-else-if statement is also known as if-else-if ladder. It is used when there are more than two possible action based on different conditions.

What is else if statement in C?

else-if statements in C is like another if condition, it’s used in a program when if statement having multiple decisions. The basic format of else if statement is: if(test_expression) { //execute your code } else if(test_expression n) { //execute your code } else { //execute your code }

How do you write an if-else ladder?

If else-if ladder Statement

  1. if(condition1){
  2. //code to be executed if condition1 is true.
  3. }else if(condition2){
  4. //code to be executed if condition2 is true.
  5. }
  6. else if(condition3){
  7. //code to be executed if condition3 is true.
  8. }

What is the difference between if-else and ELSE IF ladder?

Nested if()…else statements take more execution time (they are slower) in comparison to an if()…else ladder because the nested if()…else statements check all the inner conditional statements once the outer conditional if() statement is satisfied, whereas the if()..else ladder will stop condition testing once any …

What is statement in C with example?

C statements consist of tokens, expressions, and other statements. A statement that forms a component of another statement is called the “body” of the enclosing statement. Each statement type given by the following syntax is discussed in this section.

What is difference between if-else and if-else ladder?

What is ladder in C programming?

The if else ladder statement in C programming language is used to test set of conditions in sequence. An if condition is tested only when all previous if conditions in if-else ladder is false.

Is if else ladder and nested if same?

The nested if is an if statement used within another if statement. When we use if else if then an if statement is used within the else part of another if in this way,’nested if is similar to an if else if statement.

Can we replace the else if ladder with switch case statement?

In else if ladder, the control goes through the every else if statement until it finds true value of the statement or it comes to the end of the else if ladder. In case of switch case, as per the value of the switch, the control jumps to the corresponding case.