What is hostility in psychology?

Hostility is a personality or cognitive trait characterized by a negative attitude toward others. It is one of the dimensions of the type A personality that was believed, in early research, to be a risk factor for CVD, a relationship not supported by later investigation.

What are the defining features of hostility?

Hostility is defined by cynical and suspicious attitudes, anger, bitterness, and varying levels of aggression and opposition. The role of hostility in health emerged from the shadow of the classic Type A behavior pattern and has gained momentum as one of the most pathogenic components of Type A.

How is hostility different from anger?

Anger is an emotion that nearly everyone feels from time to time in their lives. It is not wrong or bad to feel anger, but it is a negative emotion — meaning that it tends to bring a person’s mood down. Hostility or aggression is a behavior, often the direct result of anger that goes unchecked.

Is hostility an emotion?

Hostility, on the other hand, is considered an emotional state or emotional expression that communicates the intention to overtly or covertly harm an individual and includes aggressive motor responses, as well as expressive characteristics that indicate potential intent for physical aggression, and assault, such as …

What is a hostile person?

Someone who is hostile is unfriendly and aggressive. Being competitive can lead you into becoming increasingly aggressive and hostile in your interaction with others. 3. adjective.

What is a hostile attitude?

Hostile applies to the spirit, attitude, or action of an enemy: They showed a hostile and menacing attitude. Inimical applies to an antagonistic or injurious tendency or influence: Their remarks were inimical to his reputation.

What is social hostility?

Social Hostility: Social hostility can also be referred to as conflicts or wars caused due to intolerance and discrimination against others’ beliefs. In the present world, violence and discrimination have reached new heights in almost all regions of the world.

What is the cause of hostility?

Anger and hostility may be a symptom of unhappy feelings or depression about your job, your relationship, or other aspects of your personal life. Come up with a reasonable explanation of why you are angry. If a person triggers your anger, suggest to yourself that perhaps the person is having a bad day.

What is the definition of hostile mean?

Definition of hostile 1a : of or relating to an enemy hostile fire. b : marked by malevolence : having or showing unfriendly feelings a hostile act. c : openly opposed or resisting a hostile critic hostile to new ideas.

What are examples of hostility?

The definition of hostility is an unfriendly or warlike feeling. An example of hostility is a high school bully locking a classmate in their locker. An example of hostility is a bomb exploding in a crowded marketplace. A hostile act.

What is the full meaning of hostile?
