What is hemihedral form?
What is hemihedral form?
The form of a crystal in which only half the number of faces required for the symmetry are present.
What does hemihedral symmetry?
hemihedral in American English (ˌhɛmɪˈhidrəl ) adjective. having half the number of faces required for complete symmetry.
What is holohedral form?
Holohedral Form: It is that form in a crystal system, which shows development of all the possible faces in its domain. For instance, octahedron is a holohedral form because it shows all the eight faces developed on the crystal. Generally, holohedral forms develop in the crystals of highest symmetry in a crystal system.
What does Hemimorphic mean?
: having different crystalline forms at each end of a crystallographic axis.
What is the definition for hemicycle?
Definition of hemicycle : a curved or semicircular structure or arrangement.
What is simple form of crystal?
I. (i) Simple form: When a crystal is made up of all like faces such as cube, octahedron, etc.
What words start with Hemi?
10-letter words that start with hemi
- hemisphere.
- hemiplegia.
- hemipteran.
- hemihedral.
- hemiplegic.
- hemicycles.
- hemialgias.
- hemiacetal.
What is a crystal zone?
A zone is defined as a group of crystal faces that intersect in parallel edges. Since the edges will all be parallel to a line, we can define that the direction of the line using a notation similar to Miller Indices.
What is a special form in crystallography?
A face is called special if it is transformed into itself by at least one symmetry operation of P, in addition to the identity. Each complete set of symmetrically equivalent special faces is called a special crystal form.
What is Thermesthesia?
ability to perceive or sense cold or heat; sensitiveness to heat.
What does Hydro mean in biology?
1. Combining forms meaning water, watery. 2. Containing or combined with hydrogen.
What is the European Parliament hemicycle?
The Hemicycle is the vibrant heart of European democracy, where Members of the European Parliament gather during plenary sessions to hold the largest and most important debates. It also provides the setting for historic votes that change the way people live across the European Union.