What is Hahnemuhle photo paper?

Hahnemühle Photo is a basic assortment of universally usable inkjet papers that are ideal for daily printing. This easy to use paper range display a very good quality and provide an attractive price point, making them an excellent choice for standard photos, poster prints and photo books.

What is a hahnemuhle print?

Hahnemühle Photo Rag® is one of the world’s most popular papers and the valued all-rounder for high-quality FineArt inkjet printing.

Where is Hahnemuhle paper made?

Dassel, Germany
Hahnemühle FineArt, Inc. is a paper manufacturing company in the Relliehausen district of Dassel, Germany. It is a significant producer of coated paper for inkjet printing, artist’s paper for traditional painting and printing techniques, and filter paper for industry and research.

Is Hahnemuhle paper 100 Cotton?

The Hahnemühle Watercolour Book made of 100% cotton fibres is a must-have for all watercolour artists. The fibre cotton gives the paper a natural white tone, an incomparable texture and high resistance. Colors flow superbly on the natural white paper, while brushes slide gently over the surface and inspire artist.

What kind of paper do artists use for prints?

Three categories of paper for art prints As a rule, art print papers are matte, cotton rag, or canvas.

Which Hahnemuhle paper for black and white?

Hahnemühle’s Baryta FB is a beautiful paper for black and white prints. Baryta FB has a smooth, bright white finish which makes it perfect for street photography and portraits, and works particularly well with high contrast black and white images.

What is Hahnemühle paper made of?

At Hahnemühle, pure spring water and paper fibres as well as a few other ingredients are mixed in a highly diluted form inside the vat. The fibres are either rags (cotton fibres) or pulp.

Is hahnemuhle Harmony Cotton?

Expression Watercolour – the natural-white 100-percent cotton, surfaced sized paper, is suitable for all wet-painting techniques and etching. Expression Watercolour features surface sizing.