What is goodbye in Old English?

Useful phrases in Old English

English Ænglisc (Old English)
Goodbye (Parting phrases) Far gesund (sg) Faraþ gesunde (pl) Faraþ gesunda (pl/f) Wes Hāl (sg) Wesaþ hāle (pl) Wesaþ hāla (pl/f) Wes þū hāl God þē mid sīe (“God be with you”)
Good luck! Gōd wyrd Gōde wyrde
Cheers! Good Health! (Toasts used when drinking) Gōd hælo!

How did they say bye in medieval times?

I bid thee farewell -> Goodbye.

What words do we say when parting?

Common Ways to Say Goodbye in English

  • Bye. This is the standard goodbye.
  • Bye bye! This sweet and babyish expression is usually only used when speaking to children.
  • See you later, See you soon or Talk to you later.
  • I’ve got to get going or I must be going.
  • Take it easy.
  • I’m off.

What is slang for goodbye?

(informal): catch you later, bye, bye-bye, see ya, see you, so long, mind how you go, ta ta, tatty bye, toodeloo, toodles, TTFN, ttyl. (slang): buh-bye, hasta la vista, later, laters, keep it real, peace, peace out, take it easy; cya. adios, arrivederci, au revoir, do svidanya/do svidaniya, sayonara.

How do you say goodbye in Shakespearean?

Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow. My necessaries are embark’d: farewell. Adieu!

How did people greet each other in the 18th century?

In eighteenth-century Britain, the old tradition of deep bowing and curtseying was slowly attenuating into a brisker touching of the cap or head (for men) and a quick bob (for women). Yet that transition was not the whole story. Simultaneously, a new form of urban greeting, in the form of the handshake, was emerging.

How do you say goodbye in slang?


  1. (formal): adieu, farewell.
  2. (informal): catch you later, bye, bye-bye, see ya, see you, so long, mind how you go, ta ta, tatty bye, toodeloo, toodles, TTFN, ttyl.
  3. (slang): buh-bye, hasta la vista, later, laters, keep it real, peace, peace out, take it easy; cya.