What is gamet seaweed?

Gamet is a traditional dried edible seaweed from Ilocos Norte and Cagayan of the Philippines, particularly from the town of Burgos. Gamet are dried into sheets or thin cakes called pedazo (from Spanish for “piece”), which are characteristically purplish-black in color.

How do you cook Gamet?

Wrap gamet in banana leaves and secure. Boil banana leaf parcel in water for a few minutes. (Alternatively, pour hot water over gamet to soften). Flake boiled gamet, place in a serving dish.

Is seaweed used in sushi?

Also known as zicai in Chinese or gim in Korean, nori is perhaps the most recognisable seaweed on this list. The red seaweed usually comes pressed into thin dried sheets that are dark green or black which we eat as a snack or use to make sushi rolls.

What are the benefits of eating seaweed?

Seaweed is an increasingly popular ingredient in cuisines all over the world. It’s the best dietary source of iodine, which helps support your thyroid gland. It also contains other vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin K, B vitamins, zinc and iron, along with antioxidants that help protect your cells from damage.

Is seaweed soup healthy?

Miyeok/seaweed is actually a super food as it contains a great source of calcium, iodine, fibre, omega acids, vitamin B1 & B3, while low in calorie. It helps with metabolism, blood circulation and purification, constipation relief, detoxification, anti-carcinogen, anti-aging etc.

Can humans eat seaweed?

Seaweed grows along rocky shorelines around the world, but it’s most commonly eaten in Asian countries such as Japan, Korea and China. It’s extremely versatile and can be used in many dishes, including sushi rolls, soups and stews, salads, supplements and smoothies.

Why is kimchi good for you?

Kimchi is a fermented food, which makes it an excellent probiotic. The same lactobacilli bacteria found in yogurt and other fermented dairy products are also found in kimchi. Consuming the so-called “good bacteria” in kimchi can help you maintain a healthy digestion.
