What is functional Contextualism ACT?

ACT is a tradition based on Functional Contextualism (Hayes et al., 1999). Functional contextualism is a form of pragmatism, which states events should be understood as a whole, in context, and as ongoing (Hayes et al., 1999).

What is the ACT Hexaflex?

The hexaflex is a hexagonally shaped visual aid for classifying and treating client problems holistically. Each of the six domains corresponds to one of the core ACT principles, all of which have various activities and exercises to help the practitioner push their clients along.

What is ACT Russ Harris?

Dr Russ Harris – ACCEPTANCE & COMMITMENT THERAPY Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a unique and creative model for both therapy and coaching, based on the innovative use of mindfulness and values.

Where is systematic desensitization used?

‌Systematic desensitization therapy is a type of behavioral therapy used to treat anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), phobias, and a fear of things like snakes or spiders.

What is the truth criterion of contextualism?

The truth criterion of contextualism is often dubbed “successful working”, whereby the truth and meaning of an idea lies in its function or utility, not in how well it is said to mirror reality.

What is pseudo acceptance in ACT?

This pseudo-acceptance is just a closeted rejection of others and our capacity to respond. We make the other person someone or something else. We relate to our image or idea of that person, and then we react to that image and reject it.

What kind of doctor is Russ Harris?

As a GP he became increasingly interested in the psychological aspects of health and well-being (and increasingly disenchanted with writing prescriptions). Ultimately this interest led to a total career change, and he now works in two different, yet complementary roles: as a therapist and as a life coach.