What is forest management in India?

Forest management aims at efficient management of forests in such a way that the needs of the present generation be met without affecting the ability of future generations to meet their own needs i.e. forest management aims to ensure equal access to forests by future generations.

What is forest management for kids?

Forest management is concerned with the complete life cycle of the trees and the forest, from getting trees off to a better start to making sure trees are harvested in a way that protects the future of the forest.

What is forest management in simple words?

Forest management is the process of planning and implementing practices for the stewardship and use of forests to meet specific environmental, economic, social and cultural objectives. It deals with the administrative, economic, legal, social, technical and scientific aspects of managing natural and planted forests.

What are 4 methods of forest management?

Four different management categories

  • Maintaining or increasing forest area through reducing deforestation and degradation.
  • Maintaining or increasing forest area: afforestation/reforestation.
  • Forest management to increase stand- and landscape-level carbon density.

What is the importance of forest management?

Forest management is concerned with efficient planning so that the forest provides the greatest possible benefits such as productive forest resources, watersheds protection, tourism, NTFPs, wildlife protection, environmental protection, et cetera to the present and future generations.

Who manages the forests in India?

the government
Forest Management 35.65 million ha of forest are public lands administered by the government, 21.55 million ha are public lands reserved for communities and indigenous groups, 9.58 million ha are owned by private companies and individuals, and 1.65 million ha are owned by communities and indigenous groups.

What is a sustainable forest kids?

A sustainable forest is a forest that is carefully managed so that as trees are felled they are replaced with seedlings that eventually grow into mature trees.

What are some fun facts about forestry?

1) Forests are home to over 80 percent of land animals and plants and cover 31 percent of the world’s total land area. About 1.6 billion people around the world depend on forests for their livelihoods and daily subsistence needs. 2) A tree can sequester up to 150 kilograms of carbon dioxide per year.

What are the objectives of forest management?

It follows from the definition that forest management aims to achieve three main functions, namely, (1) Control of composition and structure of growing stock; (2) Harvesting and marketing of forest produce; (3) Administration of forest property and personnel.

What are the principles of forest management?

The Principles of Forest Management stated that forests, with their complex ecology, are essential to sustainable development economy and the maintenance of all forms of life. Forests provide wood, food, and medicine and contain a biological diversity as yet not fully uncovered.

What are the steps for forest management?

Forest management prescribed activities

  1. Timber harvests.
  2. Re-growth or re-planting (regeneration) practices: site preparation, tree planting, natural regeneration recommendations.
  3. Forest fertilization.
  4. Commercial timber thinning.
  5. Pre-commercial thinning.
  6. Weeding and/or timber stand improvement practices.

How is forest management done?

Techniques include timber extraction, planting and replanting of different species, building and maintenance of roads and pathways through forests, and preventing fire.