What is Folica hair tincture used for?

Folica Hair Tincture is beneficial in Alopecia Areata (round hairless patches on the scalp), Alopecia Pityrodes ( loss of hair, of the body as well as of the scalp), Alopecia Senilis (loss of hair caused by aging) & Symptomatic hairloss after infectious diseases, Hair damage caused by chemicals.

What is Folifast hair tincture?

Folifast Hair Tincture lotion is a medicinal scalp lotion that helps in hair growth. It is beneficial in round hairless patches on the scalp, loss of hair of the body as well as of the scalp and loss of hair caused by aging and symptomatic hair loss after infectious diseases and hair damage caused by chemicals.

Is there any side effects of Folica hair tincture?

Side Effects of Folica: These side effects have been highlighted below: Irritation of scalp. Redness and itching over the scalp. Swelling of the area of scalp where Folica solution is applied.

Is Minoxidil a steroid?

No, Minoxidil is not a steroid. It is a vasodilator class of drug that dilates blood vessels and helps grow new hair. It is available in the market as a topical solution and topical foam formulations. It must be used after medical consultation with a dermatologist.

Is tincture good for hair growth?

It is known to improve the strength of hair, as well as bones, thanks to the ingredient silica. It also helps to make hair less brittle to retain hair which is great for hair loss. It can be taken as a supplement or used in a product that already has it as an ingredient.

What is Folica?

What is Folica? Folica hair solution is used for various disorders related to scalp hair. It acts on the hair follicles on scalp and promotes growth and maintenance of healthy hair.

What is a follicle hair?

Listen to pronunciation. (… FAH-lih-kul) A shaft or opening on the surface of the skin through which hair grows.