What is FFB price?

= CALCULATION FOR FRESH FRUIT BUNCHES (FFB) PRICE = The price of FFB is calculated based on the current prices of CPO (crude palm oil) and PK (palm kernel) multiplied by their corresponding extraction rates.

What is the price of palm oil today?

Palm Oil Price Live

Last Price Change High
6740 0.00 0
6678 -19.00 6697
6444 -23.00 6485
6273 -27.00 6312

What is MPOB license?

Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) through its licensing and enforcement function plays vital role in regulating the nation oil palm industry to ensure it grows succesfully and competitively.

What is OER palm oil?

The OER is defined as the percentage of oil recovered from the oil palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) processed in the mill. Development of Palm Oil Extraction Performance Index (EPI) Based on Oil Extraction Rate (OER) and Oil Loss (OL)

How do I renew my MPOB license?

Licensee shall apply for renewal of license through website at http://e-lesen.mpob.gov.my within a period of not less than 1 month but not earlier than 3 months from the expiry date. Example : If a license expires on March 31, the renewal application shall be submitted from January 1 to February 28.

What is sludge palm oil?

Palm oil sludge, commonly referred to, as palm oil mill effluent (POME) is brown slurry composed of 4-5% solids, mainly organic, 0.5-1% residual oil, and about 95% water. The effluent also contains high concentrations of organic nitrogen.

What is FFB grading?

Abstract. To increase the quality of palm oil means to accurately grade the oil palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) for processing. In this paper, HSI color model was used to determine the relationship between FFB’s color with the underipe and ripe category so that the grading system could be accurately done.

Which species of oil palm trees yields the most oil?

African oil palm has the highest productivity amongst cultivated oleaginous crops. Species can constitute a single crop capable to fulfill the growing global demand for vegetable oils, which is estimated to reach 240 million tons by 2050. Two types of vegetable oil are extracted from the palm fruit on commercial scale.