What is Fermat famous for?

Independently of Descartes, Fermat discovered the fundamental principle of analytic geometry. His methods for finding tangents to curves and their maximum and minimum points led him to be regarded as the inventor of the differential calculus.

How old was Pierre de Fermat when he died?

58 years (1607–1665)Pierre de Fermat / Age at death
That is, Pierre de Fermat died on January 12, 1665, at the age of 57 years. This means he was born between January 13, 1607, and January 12, 1608, and most probably in 1607.

What is the nationality of Pierre de Fermat ROK?

Who was Fermat? Pierre de Fermat was born in late 1607 in Beaumont-de-Lomagne, France. The child of a wealthy family, he attend school as a young man to study the law.

What is Pierre de Fermat’s contributions to math?

Pierre de Fermat was one of the most brilliant and productive mathematicians of his time, making many contributions to the differential and integral calculus, number theory, optics, and analytic geometry, as well as initiating the development of probability theory in correspondence with Pascal.

Who solved Fermat’s Last Theorem?

mathematician Andrew Wiles
In the 1630s, Pierre de Fermat set a thorny challenge for mathematics with a note scribbled in the margin of a page. More than 350 years later, mathematician Andrew Wiles finally closed the book on Fermat’s Last Theorem. Mathematical equations on chalkboard.

Why is Fermat’s Last Theorem important today?

Notwithstanding these incredible accomplishments, Fermat perhaps is most famous for his Last Theorem, a theorem whose solution evaded the brightest minds of mathematics for over 350 years, but whose solution—and quest for the same—revolutionized number theory.

Who discovered calculus?

Today it is generally believed that calculus was discovered independently in the late 17th century by two great mathematicians: Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz. However, the dispute over who first discovered calculus became a major scandal around the turn of the 18th century.

WHO is Goldbach?

Christian Goldbach, (born March 18, 1690, Königsberg, Prussia [now Kaliningrad, Russia]—died Nov. 20, 1764, Moscow, Russia), Russian mathematician whose contributions to number theory include Goldbach’s conjecture. In 1725 Goldbach became professor of mathematics and historian of the Imperial Academy at St.

Who solved Fermat Last Theorem?