What is Extraperitoneal hernia repair?

Abstract: Laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal (TEP) inguinal hernia repair is an effective minimally invasive method for treating hernias that avoids entry into the abdomen. Its indications have developed and broadened over time to encompass almost the whole spectrum of groin hernias.

What is a TEP procedure?

For tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP), the surgeon makes an opening between the trachea and esophagus. A small plastic or silicone valve fits into this opening. The valve keeps food out of the trachea. After TEP, patients can cover their stoma with a finger, and force air into the esophagus through the valve.

What is a Bassini repair?

The Bassini technique for inguinal hernia repair involves suturing the transversalis fascia and the conjoined tendon to the inguinal ligament behind the spermatic cord with monofilament nonabsorbable suture.

What is the Shouldice method of hernia repair?

The Shouldice technique is a four-layer inguinal hernia repair performed with the patient under local anesthesia. The transversalis fascia is incised from the internal ring laterally to the pubic tubercle medially, and upper and lower flaps are created.

What is total Extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair?

Does Bassini repair use a mesh?

The Bassini technique provides a straightforward, robust and cost-effective option for limited-resource settings, as costly prostheses and laparoscopic approaches can be avoided. Ultimately, the optimal method for groin hernia repair is the use of a prosthetic reinforcing mesh.

What can be done for a recurrent hernia?

Surgically repairing a recurrent hernia entails closing and reinforcing the defect in the abdominal wall, often with synthetic mesh material. The method your doctor recommends will depend on your hernia’s size and location, your general health and how physically active you hope to be in the future.

How long do you stay at Shouldice?

You should plan to stay at Shouldice the afternoon and evening before, and for three (3) nights after surgery to take part in this program. During your recovery, our nurses will provide the specialized care you need to avoid any post-surgical complications.

Is retroperitoneal and extraperitoneal same?

Extraperitoneal is the generic concept that comprises the more commonly used terms for the specific locations: retroperitoneal (posterior to the peritonal cavity), subperitoneal (inferior to the peritonal cavity) and preperitoneal (anterior to the peritonal cavity).