What is ex post facto research with example?

Ex post facto study or after-the-fact research is a category of research design in which the investigation starts after the fact has occurred without interference from the researcher.

How do you conduct ex post facto research?

Isaac and Michael (1971) established the sequence of steps involved in ex post facto research, and it should include:

  1. Define the problem.
  2. Examine the literature.
  3. State the hypotheses.
  4. List the assumptions on which the assumptions are based and the procedures will be based.
  5. Design the approach:

How variable is handled or manipulated in ex post facto research?

In an ex-post facto research, the researcher can not directly manipulate the independent variable/s (that is, the cause) as he or she predicts the cause on basis of the dependent variable (that is, the effect).

Which characterizes an ex post facto research?

As the ex-post research is a kind of study which tries to predict the causes on the basis of actions that have already occurred, the researcher cannot manipulate or change the already occurred actions or behaviour.

What is the purpose of ex post facto study?

Ex post facto design is a quasi-experimental study examining how an independent variable, present prior to the study in the participants, affects a dependent variable.

Is ex post facto research qualitative or quantitative?

Two other forms of quantitative research, which are not experimental due to lack of manipulation, are ex post facto (sometimes called causal-comparative) and correlational. Often both of these types are grouped into what researchers call non-experimental research or simply correlational research.

What is the goal of ex post facto?

ex post facto law, law that retroactively makes criminal conduct that was not criminal when performed, increases the punishment for crimes already committed, or changes the rules of procedure in force at the time an alleged crime was committed in a way substantially disadvantageous to the accused.

What is the aim of Expo facto research design?

Ex post facto design is a quasi-experimental study examining how an independent variable, present prior to the study in the participants, affects a dependent variable. A quasi-experimental study simply means participants are not randomly assigned.

Which of the following is not possible in ex post facto research?

Conclusion: In Ex Post Facto research subjects are not randomly assigned, the dependent variable is measured first and any number of hypotheses can be supported. It also requires a control group but rigorous control is not possible.