What is Ex Astris Scientia?

The Latin words ex astris scientia translate to “From the stars, knowledge”

What is the most powerful starship in Starfleet?

Enterprise NCC-1701-E. The Sovereign-class Enterprise-E succeeds the Enterprise-D to become the most technologically-advanced starship produced by Starfleet. It can theoretically reach a warp speed of 9.995. Any doubts about its firepower are dismissed on one of its first missions when it’s able to destroy a Borg cube.

What is the fastest Federation starship?

Constructed in the Beta Antares Shipyards and launched on Stardate 50749.5, the Prometheus is the first starship of its class, as well as the fastest and most innovative vessel in Starfleet.

Is there a real Starfleet Academy?

While there are lots of Star Trek fan clubs out there, there’s only one STARFLEET Academy. It’s not a place though; STARFLEET Academy is a special collection of correspondence courses within our fan organization available to every STARFLEET member.

Whats the difference between the Federation and Starfleet?

The Federation might have been founded on Earth but it was founded by several species working together. Starfleet is a “Military” organization that predates the federation. It was created by earth as their form of space navy to protect Earth.

What is the biggest Borg ship?

The Borg Cube
The Borg Cube is the most common ship design used by the Collective. They are the mighty gigantic dreadnoughts of the Borg fleet….Borg Cube.

Ship Information
Maximum Warp Factor: 9.98
Known Vessels of this Class: “System J-25” cube, Cube 461, Cube 630, Cube 1184

Who is the strongest Klingon?

Star Trek: The 10 Most Influential Klingons, Ranked

  1. 1 Kahless. As the Klingon all others measure themselves against, of course Kahless has the most influence over his people.
  2. 2 Gorkon and Azetbur.
  3. 3 Martok.
  4. 4 Worf.
  5. 5 T’Kuvma.
  6. 6 Antaak.
  7. 7 L’Rell.
  8. 8 Gowron.

Does Starfleet have Marines?

The Starfleet Marine Corps, or simply the Starfleet Marines, are the infantry forces of the Federation’s Starfleet. Unlike the rest of Starfleet’s service personnel, who used a naval ranking structure, the Marines use a rank structure based on equivalents of Earth infantry-based militaries, such as the MACOs.