What is epidural stimulation for spinal cord injury?
What is epidural stimulation for spinal cord injury?
Epidural stimulation is an experimental therapy that has the potential to help individuals with spinal cord injuries, including paraplegics and tetraplegics, to regain movement and control that had been lost. It involves implanting a small device over the protective coating of the spinal cord.
What can a paraplegic do?
A person with paraplegia may have limited mobility and sensation in the legs. However, they retain their neurologic function in the upper body. An individual with this form of paralysis can often live independently and perform tasks such as eating and dressing without assistance.
How effective is epidural stimulation?
Epidural electrical stimulation, particularly FES, shows great promise in helping some patients regain some abilities. Some patients who have undergone FES therapy have shown improvements in hand function, bladder and bowel control, improved core control, and even the ability to breathe without the use of a ventilator.
What is a fes machine?
Functional electrical stimulation (FES) uses small electrical impulses to activate specific muscles and nerves. These impulses trigger the desired function, such as contracting muscles to move a foot or lift an arm.
What are the 3 major functions of the spinal cord?
Your spinal cord’s main purpose is to carry nerve signals throughout your body. These nerve messages have three crucial functions….What is the purpose of the spinal cord?
- Control body movements and functions.
- Report senses to your brain.
- Manage your reflexes.
How do paraplegics shower?
After spinal cord injury, most people will need a handheld shower head and bath bench. Handheld shower heads can be modified for people with reduced hand function. Other helpful devices include: Bath bench with commode cut out.
Do paraplegics need diapers?
With successful bladder and bowel management, paraplegics can virtually prevent all accidental urinary or bowel discharges; it is however another option for the patient to wear undergarments such as diapers to further protect from bladder or fecal incontinence. Some prefer diapers for the comfort level they provide.