What is Entrometida?

meddlesome ⧫ interfering. masculine noun/feminine noun. busybody ⧫ meddler.

What is the meaning of sonadora?

dreamer, dreamy, daydreamer, daydreaming.

What is the meaning of Mentalidad?

mentalidad, la ~ (f) mentality, the ~ Noun. state of mind, the ~ Noun.

How do you say Chismosa in English?

“chismosa” in English

  1. volume_up. gossipmonger.
  2. bigmouth.
  3. gossip.
  4. scandalmonger.
  5. tattler.
  6. tattletale.

What do you mean by nosy?

Definition of nosy : of prying or inquisitive (see inquisitive sense 2) disposition or quality : intrusive nosy reporters nosy neighbors.

Does Chismoso mean nosy?

chismoso {adjective} gossip-monger {adj.} nosy {adj.}

What is another word for Chismosa?

Chismoso/a The word chismosa (cheez-MOE-sah) translates to “gossiper,” which sounds awful, and frankly, just doesn’t cut it.

What is a Parker?

Noun. parker (plural parkers) A parkkeeper. Someone who parks a motor vehicle.

Is it good to be Nosey?

It is simply not done, unless the goal is to comfort the individual or contribute to gossip. Being labeled as a nosy person can carry a very negative connotation, as someone solely interested in the negative things that is affecting a person’s life. Honestly, being nosy is more human and normal than anything else.

What does Chismoso mean in Tagalog?

Definition of chismoso: chismoso is an alternate spelling of the Tagalog word tsismoso. Alternate spellings may include abbreviations, informal spellings, slang, and/or commonly misspelled variations of a word. Base word: tsismoso. [noun] gossiper.

What does cheese Mossa mean in English?

gossiping. gossiper. gossip – chismoso, -sa, chisme, rumor.

What do you call a person who gossips?

Definitions of gossiper. a person given to gossiping and divulging personal information about others. synonyms: gossip, gossipmonger, newsmonger, rumormonger, rumourmonger.