What is Ensembl version?

Ensembl Code Versioning For the APIs and the web code, a git branch (essentially a named snapshot of the code) is made for each release and named with the release version number. The Perl API and web code can be checked out of git with the branch “release/versionnumber”, e.g. release/105.

What is Ensembl BioMart?

Ensembl BioMart shows results for protein-coding genes when protein-associated attributes are chosen. Non-coding genes that pass filters will not be shown in the results if certain protein-associated attributes are chosen.

What is the use of Ensembl software?

Ensembl aims to provide a centralized resource for geneticists, molecular biologists and other researchers studying the genomes of our own species and other vertebrates and model organisms. Ensembl is one of several well known genome browsers for the retrieval of genomic information.

What is VEP consequence?

VEP determines the effect of your variants (SNPs, insertions, deletions, CNVs or structural variants) on genes, transcripts, and protein sequence, as well as regulatory regions. Simply input the coordinates of your variants and the nucleotide changes to find out the: Genes and Transcripts affected by the variants.

What kind of database Ensembl is?

Ensembl (http://www.ensembl.org/) is a bioinformatics project to organize biological information around the sequences of large genomes. It is a comprehensive source of stable automatic annotation of individual genomes, and of the synteny and orthology relationships between them.

How do you reference Ensembl?

To reference Ensembl, cite our most recent review overview article. A list of our publications can be found at our publications page. In your work you should include the Ensembl release (eg version 69) you extracted data from, as this allows your future readers to find the data you used.

What is Ensembl in bioinformatics?

What is Ensembl browser?

Ensembl provides a genome browser that acts as a single point of access to annotated genomes for mainly vertebrate species (Video 1 and Figure 2). Information about genes, transcripts and further annotation can be retrieved at the genome, gene and protein level.

How does Ensembl VEP work?

The Ensembl transcripts match the reference genome assembly exactly, which eliminates the potential for errors in annotation due to differences between the reference and transcript annotation.

What VEP means?

Introduction. Visual evoked potentials (VEP) are used to assess the visual pathways through the optic nerves and brain. A normal VEP response to a pattern-reversal stimulus is a positive mid occipital peak that occurs at a mean latency of 100 ms.

How many species are in Ensembl?

78 species
Ensembl Metazoa BioMart: includes 78 species and variations for Aedes aegypti, Anopheles gambiae and Ixodes scapularis.

How do you get gene sequence from Ensembl?

To export gene sequence, click the ‘Export Data’ button in the left hand menu. In the resulting window, choose ‘Deselect all’, which will not deselect the gene sequence. Click ‘Next’ to export the sequence.