What is energy meter testing bench?

Stationary Energy Meter Test Bench consists of advanced digital power source uses MCU single chip microprocessor as its core technology and adopts various techniques as digital synthesis, digital frequency modulation, digital amplitude modulation, digital phase-shifting, pulse width modulation etc.

How the energy meter is tested?

Emission Test In this test, power lead and cables are checked to measure the EMI escape, and it covers small meter of the frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz. This test measures the EMI escape through free space, and it covers large meters of the frequency range from 31 MHz to 1000MHz.

Why testing of energy meter is required?

Apart from enabling performance assessment and estimating losses in the system, energy meters also determine the revenue of the utilities. To this end, it is important to test the quality and reliability of energy meters in order to ensure accuracy in the recording of electricity consumption and billing.

Which energy meter is used in industry?

The energy meters are classified into two basic categories, such as: Electromechanical Type Induction Meter. Electronic Energy Meter.

What is RSS Meter?

RSS (RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format.

What are the possible errors in energy meter?

The causes for error-wiring of three-phase three-wire electric energy metering device may include: the connection error between transformer and electric energy meter, the error of current transformer polarity and the error of voltage transformer polarity.

What are the types of energy meter?

Basically three types of energy meters are present.

  • Electro Mechanical Induction Type Energy Meter. It consists of rotating aluminum disc mounted on a spindle between two electro magnets.
  • Electronic Energy Meter.
  • Smart Energy Meters.

What is energy meter calibration?

Energy meter calibration is a process required to determine and reduce the error when the energy is measured. The errors in the energy meter can be caused by different sources like voltage transformers, current transformers errors due to phase angle, crystal oscillators, etc.

What are the 2 types of electrical meters?

There are 2 main types of electricity meters:

  • Analog meters: also called electromechanical meters. They have an analog display. They do not offer any connectivity.
  • Digital meters: also called electric meters. They have a digital display (LCD or LED display), they offer connectivity and some instant functionalities.

How many types of 3 phase energy meter are there?

Basically three types of energy meters are present. It consists of rotating aluminum disc mounted on a spindle between two electro magnets. Speed of rotation of disc is proportional to the power and this power is integrated by the use of counter mechanism and gear trains.

What is phantom loading in energy meter?

Definition: Phantom Loading is a loading condition in which an energy meter is connected to factious or phantom load for testing of energy meter with high current rating. Such loading is favorable to avoid wastage of energy during the test of measurement instrument.

What is creeping in energy meter?

Creeping in the induction type energy meter is the phenomenon in which the aluminum disc rotates continuously when only the voltage is supplied to the pressure coil and no current flows through the current coil.