What is electrostatics in physics class 12?

Electrostatics is a branch of physics that deals with the study of electromagnetic phenomena where electric charges are at rest, i.e., where no moving charges exist after a static equilibrium has been established.

Which chapter is electrostatics in Class 12?

Chapter 2 –
Chapter 2 – Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance: Here, you will learn more about electric charges and their properties. The main topics of the chapter include electrostatic potential, conductors and insulators, capacitors, series and parallel combinations of capacitors and energy stored in a capacitor.

Which chapter is electrostatics in HC Verma?

Chapter 7 – Elecrtric Field and Potential 121.

What is electric charge 12th physics?

Electric charge is the basic physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when kept in an electric or magnetic field. An electric charge is associated with an electric field, and the moving electric charge generates a magnetic field.

What are the 3 laws of electrostatics?

3 laws of electrostatic : The 3 laws of electrical charges are that like charges, repel, In contrast to charges attract charged objects are interested in neutral objects. This implies that 2 objects with a similar charge push from one another, whereas 2 objects with opposite charges pull towards one another.

What is the formula of electrostatics?

The electric dipole moment p of two charges +q and −q separated by a distance l is a vector of magnitude p = ql with a direction from the negative to the positive charge. An electric dipole in an external electric field is subjected to a torque τ = pE sin θ, where θ is the angle between p and E.

Is physics hard in class 12?

Most of the students find the Class 12 Physics subject difficult. This is also due to the vast syllabus and derivations that are there in both parts of the NCERT class 12 Physics book.

Is HC Verma enough for NEET?

HC Verma would not help you enough alone it will help you but only in one subject and for other subjects you need to refer other books, you may also use NCERT books which are very useful for cracking NEET exam. for neet exam you need lot of practice which you can do by refering various subjects.

What is the cost of HC Verma book?

English HC Verma Physics Book, Rs 120/piece Jacario | ID: 21734283462.

What is the SI unit of charge?

coulomb, unit of electric charge in the metre-kilogram-second-ampere system, the basis of the SI system of physical units. It is abbreviated as C. The coulomb is defined as the quantity of electricity transported in one second by a current of one ampere.