What is each sorority philanthropy?

Panhellenic Association

Chapter Designation Philanthropies
Kappa Delta National Philanthropy Prevent Child Abuse America Girls Scouts of America
Sigma Kappa National Philanthropy Alzheimer’s Association
Zeta Tau Alpha National Philanthropy Breast Cancer Education and Awareness

What is Theta Phi Alpha known for?

The mission of Theta Phi Alpha encompasses far more than providing a social network for college women. For more than 100 years, the sisters of Theta Phi Alpha have maintained a history rich in educational excellence, professional achievement, and a deep commitment to social service.

What does Theta Phi Alpha mean?

Theta Phi Alpha (ΘΦΑ), commonly known as Theta Phi, is a women’s fraternity founded at the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor on August 30, 1912. Theta Phi Alpha is one of 26 national sororities recognized in the National Panhellenic Conference. Today, Theta Phi Alpha has 59 active chapters across the United States.

What are the values of Theta Phi Alpha?

Theta Phi Alpha women hold the six values; justice, wisdom, loyalty, faith, truth and honor; near to their hearts and seek to embody their creed in their everyday lives.

Why do sororities do philanthropy?

Each sorority or fraternity is assigned philanthropy to focus its fundraising efforts towards. The philanthropy can either be a specific organization that promotes awareness and donates to those affected or an umbrella organization that donates to specific organizations.

Is there a Catholic sorority?

As a Catholic sorority, the mission of Pi Alpha Chi is to provide collegiate women with opportunities to pursue a virtuous and sacramental life through participation in a Greek, social learning community intentionally founded upon and centered ​around the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church.

What sorority has a penguin for a mascot?

Kappa Delta Chi
Jewel Emerald
Mascot Penguin
Publication The Emerald
Philanthropy American Cancer Society

What is a Greek philanthropy?

Greek life Philanthropy- essentially, philanthropy means to organize or participate in a charitable event. Greek chapters volunteer their efforts and time to all sorts of organizations, including cancer research, literacy for children and adults, animal welfare, human rights, and the list goes on.

What should I ask my sorority at philanthropy Day?

Questions to ask during Philanthropy Round

  • What does your sorority’s philanthropy mean to you?
  • How do you personally get involve with your chapter’s philanthropy?
  • Are there any events that your chapter puts on to promote your philanthropic partner?
  • How can new members get involved with your chapter’s philanthropy?

Why do sororities drop you?

While you’re likely to do more partying and community service with your sorority sisters than taking tests, academics are still an important part of the Greek life. The New York Times reported that one of the most common reasons that sororities drop a pledge is poor grades.

Can Catholics be in fraternities?

Phi Kappa (ΦΚ) was a social fraternity founded on October 1, 1889 by a group of Catholic students at Brown University who were refused entrance to other fraternities because of their faith….Phi Kappa (Catholic fraternity)

Phi Kappa
Chapters 40 installed
Merged, to create Phi Kappa Theta (1959)