What is durable and non durable subscription JMS?
What is durable and non durable subscription JMS?
If a durable subscription already exists for the specified durable subscriber on the JMS provider, this service resumes the subscription. A non-durable subscription allows subscribers to receive messages on their chosen topic only if the messages are published while the subscriber is active.
What is durable topic JMS?
A durable subscriber establishes a durable subscription with a unique identity on the JMS provider. A durable subscription allows subscribers to receive all the messages published on a topic, including those published while the subscriber is inactive (for example, if the JMS trigger is disabled).
Which operation is not performed by JMS?
JMS has no inherent support for email operations.
What is the difference between JMS queue and Topic?
The main difference between queue and topic is that queue is the message-oriented middleware used in point to point message domain, while the topic is the message-oriented middleware used in publisher- subscriber message domain.
What is a durable message?
A durable subscriber is a message consumer that receives all messages published on a topic, including messages published while the subscriber is inactive.
What is difference between queue and topic?
Queue is one to one communication and Topic is One to Many communication. A point-to-point product or application is built around the concept of message queues, senders, and receivers.
How do I create a durable subscriber in JMS topic?
You can set the client ID to the WebLogic Server username if it is appropriate for your JMS application. The message selector defined for this durable subscriber. Specifies whether this durable subscriber receives local messages that it has published. To prevent this, set the noLocal parameter to true .
Which of the following are JMS administered objects?
JMS Administered Objects
S.No. | Administered Objects | Resource Type |
1. | ConnectionFactory | javax.jms.ConnectionFactory |
2. | Queue | javax.jms.Queue |
3. | Topic | javax.jms.Topic |
What are the components of JMS?
Components of the JMS Architecture
- Message producers.
- Message consumers.
- JMS messages.
- Administered JMS objects.
- JNDI naming service.
What is a JMS topic?
JMS topic. The term JMS topic is used to refer to the JMS destination (an instance of javax. jms. Topic) that applications interact with, and that an administrator configures as a JMS resource of the default messaging provider.
Is queue and Topic are same?
Queues and Topics are similar when a sender sends messages, but messages are processed differently by a receiver. A queue can have only one consumer, whereas a topic can have multiple subscribers.
How does JMS topic work?
A JMS destination is an object (a JMS queue or a JMS topic) that represents the target of messages that the client produces and the source of messages that the client consumes. In point-to-point messaging, destinations represent queues; in publish/subscribe messaging, destinations represent topics.