What is dual energy xray imaging?
What is dual energy xray imaging?
Dual-energy X-ray technique, which consists in combining two radiographs acquired at two distinct energies, allows to obtain both density and atomic number, thus to provide information about material composition, or at least to improve image contrast.
What is the kVp for chest?
The focal point-film distance should be at least 1.80 m. A high kilovoltage (kVp) technique should in general be applied, at least 120 kVp (2,3), preferably with an additional 0.3 to 0.5 mm copper filter (4) and including the use of a grid or air gap between the patient and the film (5).
What does dual energy CT mean?
Dual energy CT, also known as spectral CT, is a computed tomography technique that uses two separate x-ray photon energy spectra, allowing the interrogation of materials that have different attenuation properties at different energies.
How does dual energy imaging work?
Dual energy CT scans are a relatively new form of CT scanning that use separate X-ray energies to make images. Images can be generated: by the simultaneous use of two X-ray tubes (‘dual source’); by using an X-ray detector with separate layers to detect two different energy ranges (‘dual layer’); or.
What is hazy opacity in lung?
The term refers to the hazy, white-flecked pattern seen on lung CT scans, indicative of increased density. It’s not quite as dense as the “crazy-paving” pattern, which looks like a mosaic or pavers, and less confounding than the “head cheese sign,” a juxtaposition of three or more densities present in the same lung.
What is the normal range of kVp used in chest radiography?
Good radiographic technique includes the use of optimum kVp. Lower kilovoltages should be avoided in paediatric chest examinations. The CEC recommends the use of 60 – 80 kVp for children between 0-15 years of age.
What is high kVp technique?
High kVp techniques, 15% or 10-kVp rules, are well-known dose reduction methods. Traditionally, the use of high tube potential (i.e. increased kVp) is associated with decreased radiographic contrast and overall image quality.
What is dual energy CT good for?
Dual-energy CT may improve vascular imaging by increasing the attenuation of vessels at lower energies, providing improved characterization of heavily calcified vessels with the use of subtraction techniques, and by decreasing the radiation dose by eliminating the need for true unenhanced images.
Is dual energy CT with contrast?
Dual-energy CT enhances the diagnostic performance and confidence of CT by increasing iodine contrast-to-noise ratio, decreasing metal or beam-hardening artifacts, and providing material-specific information.