What is drainage basin in one word?

A drainage basin is any area of land where precipitation collects and drains off into a common outlet, such as into a river, bay, or other body of water.

What is drainage system in simple words?

Drainage system (agriculture), a system by which water is drained on or in the soil to enhance production. Sustainable drainage system, designed to reduce the potential impact of development.

What are the 4 processes in the drainage basin as a system?

Subject Guide. The drainage basin as an open system with inputs (precipitation of varying type and intensity), outputs (evaporation and transpiration), flows (infiltration, throughflow, overland flow and base flow) and stores (including vegetation, soil, aquifers and the cryosphere).

What are the main features of a drainage basin?

Characteristics of the drainage basin

  • Drainage basin – the area of land drained by a river.
  • Catchment area – the area within the drainage basin.
  • Watershed – the edge of highland surrounding a drainage basin which marks the boundary between two drainage basins.
  • Source – the beginning or start of a river.

How is a drainage basin formed?

A drainage basin is formed by the action of water as it forms streams and rivers that flow downhill.

What is drainage basin PDF?

In its simplest form, a drainage basin is an area that funnels all runoff to the mouth of a stream. Drainage basins may be delineated on a topographic map by tracing their perimeters or drainage divides. A drainage divide is simply a line on either side of which water flows to different streams.

What are the 4 types of drainage patterns?

These are dendritic, trellis, rectangular, and radial patterns.

How does a drainage basin work?

Drainage basins refer to the area of land drained by a major river and its tributaries. All rivers flow from the source (often in the mountains) to the mouth (the sea). The drainage basin is regarded as a closed system because water never leaves. Instead, it is recycled from one state to another.

Why are basins important?

Basins are vital to human existence, since they provide clean water for drinking; water for growing food; and water to nourish plant life, which provides the oxygen people breathe. Historically, basins were also an important factor in determining geopolitical borders.

What are the 3 zones of a river?

A simplified longitudinal model captures these observed changes by disaggregating the river into three zones: headwaters zone, transfer zone, and depositional zone (Figure 1.2). The headwaters zone generally has the steepest slope. As the water moves over these slopes, sediment erodes and is carried downstream.

What are basin parameters?

The measurement of basic parameters of the drainage basin viz., length, area, number of streams and perimeter of the sub basins is done with the software. From the basic parameters, other parameters like bifurcation ratio, stream length ratio, stream frequency, drainage density were estimated.