What is double standard in gender?

A double standard “implies that two things which are the same are measured by different standards” (Eichler 1980:15). Thus a gender double standard suggests that we evaluate the same behavior of men and women differently; what is acceptable or appropriate for one may not be equally so for the other.

What are examples of double standards?

Examples: Double standards

  • Women who want to snuggle are affectionate.
  • A married woman without a job is a homemaker.
  • A man who speaks his opinion is strong and passionate.
  • A woman who raises kids is ‘natural.
  • Men who like sex are admired and powerful.
  • A woman who cries is in touch with her feelings.

What does double standard mean in slang?

Word forms: plural double standards. countable noun. If you accuse a person or institution of applying double standards in their treatment of different groups of people, you mean that they unfairly allow more freedom of behaviour to one group than to another. [disapproval]

What is the most common double standard?

The double standard definition states that it is a rule or a principle applied to different people or groups. The most prominent case of double standard examples to this day come from gender equality. What’s usually okay for men, is not acceptable when done by women.

Why is it called a double standard?

The expression double standard originally referred to 18th- and 19th-century economic policies of bimetallism. Bimetallism was a monetary system that was based on two metals—a double standard, in its financial “prescribed value” sense, of gold and silver.

What do you call a person with double standards?

illiberality. tendentiousness. inequality. two sets of rules. rules for thee but not for me.

Does double standards still exist?

Crawford and Popp (2003) concluded that traditional double standards for some sexual behaviors still exist, for example, for initiating sex, casual sex, sex at an early age, and having many sexual partners, but that for other sexual behaviors a double standard is no longer present, for example, for sex before marriage.

What is another word for double standards?

What is another word for double standard?

hypocrisy insincerity
affectation unctuousness
speciousness pretenceUK
deceitfulness quackery
pietism casuistry

What is a person with double standards called?

Hypocrisy often involves the use of double standards. For example, a hypocrite might attack someone for acting a certain way, even though the hypocrite acted the same way when they were in a similar situation.

What is wrong with double standards?

A double standard may arise if two or more groups who have equal legal rights are given different degrees of legal protection or representation. Such double standards are seen as unjustified because they violate a common maxim of modern legal jurisprudence – that all parties should stand equal before the law.

Are double standards hypocrisy?

A double standard is defined as “a set of principles that applies differently and usually more rigorously to one group of people or circumstances than to another.” Double standards divide people. It is a form of hypocrisy that treats some topics as war zones. It does not only exist on one side of anything.

Why do double standards exist?

Double standards are believed to develop in people’s minds for a multitude of possible reasons, including: finding an excuse for oneself, emotions clouding judgement, twisting facts to support beliefs (such as confirmation biases, cognitive biases, attraction biases, prejudices or the desire to be right).