What is double skin facade system?

A double skin façade is a structural term that refers to the two façades of a building, typically the vertical element, with a cavity in between them. Within that cavity is an air flow. The benefit of this system is the way that it maintains a consistent temperature, a sign that energy is being used efficiently.

What is dual skin?

Double skin façades. Almost a self-explanatory name for façade systems consisting of two layers, usually glass, wherein air flows through the intermediate cavity.

Why use translucent polycarbonate on building façades?

Besides its high-performance and ease of installation, translucent polycarbonate provides wide-ranging creative opportunities, allowing architects to create unique and expressive facades.

What is façade in architecture?

A façade refers to one side, usually the front, of a building. It is an integral piece to the overall design of a building. It provides the opportunity to create a personality and character to a building.

Why use a double skin facade?

The result is that the temperature of the inner skin is kept much lower, and less heat is transferred from the building’s exterior to its interior. Ultimately, the ventilation properties of a double-skin facade act to keep the building and its occupants cooler, and reduce the need to run air conditioning.

Is double skin façade system suitable to use in Malaysia buildings?

Double skin facades. Malaysian buildings receive high solar radiation, mainly in the west-façades in the afternoons, causing overheating and large energy consumption of buildings, so the inclusion of fully glazed facade in buildings is conventionally not recommended [4].

How thick is a polycarbonate facade?

insulated polycarbonate panelTHERMOGAL/THERMOGAL SUPER Thermogal sheets are manufactured with different thickness ranging from 20 to 32 mm Thermogal Super: 16, 20 and 32 mm polycarbonate multi wall sheets.

What exactly is a polycarbonate translucent facade?

So what is a translucent facade? Translucent facades are glazing panels used on the exterior of buildings. They help to protect the construct from weather damage, damp, and erosion. They come in a broad range of different colors and styles to suit every job.

What are the different types of facade?

Here are six types of modern facade design to consider for your next project.

  • Ceramic facades.
  • Stone composite panels.
  • Precast concrete panels.
  • Natural stone panels.
  • Closed cavity facades.
  • Green facades.

What are facade systems?

This facade system is a cladding system that leaves a ventilated chamber between the cladding and the insulation, thus eliminating thermal bridging and condensation problems. This achieves outstanding thermal behavior and reduces humidity.