What is done in a 20000 mile service on a Harley?

The 20,000-mile Harley-Davidson checklist includes every aforementioned service from the 1,000- and 10,000-mile checks, plus replacement of your bike’s front fork oil. This service, only performed at 20,000 miles, is crucial to maintain optimal safety as you hit top speeds on your rides out to Modesto.

What is included in a Harley 25000 mile service?

25,000 MILE SERVICE Perform comprehensive inspection including : tires, tread depth, wheels, brake pads, brake discs, fuel lines, electrical equipment, fluid levels, critical fasteners, oil lines, exhaust, rear shocks, engine mounts, stabilizer links, and sprockets.

How much does it cost to service a Harley Sportster?

Brandon Harley-Davidson® welcomes you to one of the finest service facilities around….Service Pricing Menu.

Sportster $319.95
Softail $399.95
Touring $399.95
*Price includes Syn3 Oil and Chrome Filter.

What is included in a Harley full service?

Harley-Davidson 1,000-Mile Service Checklist

  • Inspect engine oil and filter.
  • Inspect oil lines and brake system for leaks.
  • Inspect air cleaner and service as required.
  • Check tire pressure and inspect tread.
  • Check tightness of wheel spokes.
  • Replace transmission lubricant.
  • Check clutch adjustment.
  • Check primary chain adjustment.

How many miles does a Harley engine last?

A Harley Engine is expected to last over 100,000 miles if the bike is well maintained as per Harley-Davidson’s suggested service schedule with fluids rotated regularly, if it’s stored and ridden responsibly, and if the motorcycle isn’t involved in any accidents.

How often should oil be changed on a Harley?

While some may recommend having different intervals for all 3 components, we like to change the oil in all 3 every time we do a change, which is typically every 3000-4000 miles. Consult your owner’s manual for recommended numbers, but the fresher you keep the oil, the better the bike will run.

Is 20000 miles alot for a Harley?

For small sports bikes, 20,000 to 30,000 is on the high side. For larger bikes, 50,000 miles and up is considered high motorcycle mileage. But before you write off any models, consider that a properly maintained bike can last well past 100,000 miles!

How many miles will a Sportster last?

Harley-Davidson® motorcycles are built to last much longer. If a bike has good maintenance records, no signs of damage and no oil leaks, even a bike with 40,000 to 50,000 miles can be expected to last a long time.